Control Ultimate Edition: PS5 vs Xbox Series X/S – 60FPS and Ray Tracing Modes Tested

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An Ultimate Edition of Control gives us the perfect chance to see new features added on PS5, Xbox Series X and Series S. All machines receive 60fps support, …


39 thoughts on “Control Ultimate Edition: PS5 vs Xbox Series X/S – 60FPS and Ray Tracing Modes Tested”

  1. Can I get some friendly advice for people with a ps5? I have a ps4 pro and a ton of games still to finish on it, is it worth it to upgrade to a ps5 when it can’t even max out last gen games? Or should I just wait for the ps5 pro, I know there’s going to be one at this rate. Thanks

  2. RT has no point on consoles since I can use it only in 30 fps which is mostly unplayable in action games. Next gen is like buying brand new medium low spec pc. You can use some of the newest features but have to give it up something else. Ridiculous.

  3. I will call out every single developer that uses a 1440p performance mode with NO TEMPEROL INJECTION! Such an easy way to make your 60fps game look 4K native like bluepoint and insomniac games. Shame on all developers who dont use this technique as it looks like it's even being adopted by epic games for unreal engine 5 as a standard cost performance technique without DLSS.

  4. People need to realise when it comes to Microsoft and xbox they favour all the time when ps5 is outperforming xbox in many ways its development tool kits and they always say I don't know how maybe its because Sony created a machine made for games and not cloud based games and services their gpu's are built for different reasons I don't watch digital foundry anymore because I just know what they say before it even comes out before they say it NX gaming is much better for comparisons

  5. I'm on the xbox insider program and get system updates earlier and it seems this last update that released Feb. 5th has fixed the text frame drops on the series x. I haven't noticed it at all.

  6. I don;t understand the fascination with this game though. It looks like ass on my PC (high settings/high ray-tracing). Weird blurry textures and constant flickering artefacts… Oh well

  7. So the bottom line still is: on paper XBox is faster but in reality playstation seems to be better optimized and even the devs seems to target equal graphics quality with the multiplatform games.
    Too bad that XBox cant get the power on the Display/ TV! And it also seems to be, that the 30 fps era is still not ended in console gaming! Because most users want so "see" the new tec and advantages … and that means playing with RT on in 30 fps.

  8. Everything is beautiful except that I must again buy Control and lose my progression. I won´t start from the beginning of the game when I am at 60%. And I won´t pay an additional 50% of the price of the original version. The commercial behaves that we all experiment with Serie X, right now when there are no new-gen games yet, then Studios decided to make extra bucks with a raytracing60Hsuperdupaeverithingshinnybeautifulreflections. I love it!

  9. Retracing as a joke. They've literally invented something that nobody cared or asked for in 90% of games, and now they're going to shove it down her throat at the cost of high poly count Fidelity and overall hi resolutions and frame rates. Control should be playing at 4K 60 frames easily if not more than that with the hardware available. A quad core Intel and 2080 TI Pl. 80 to 100 frames on the game with Ray tracing on. No reason the series X should get that many frames with Ray tracing off. I refuse to play games at 30 frames. It's a fucking joke in Microsoft better do something about it and PlayStation. That is unacceptable this fucking piece of shit developers and Microsoft and Sony are to blame as well. Don't give me that shit that it's the developers choice. You set a standard. Fucking waste of money to even put a card in these consuls I can do retracing. Better off with a cheaper more high-performance older card and just ditch the idea for another 10 years or longer because it's a crap idea anyways.

  10. This game really makes me happy I invested in am Elite Series 2 controller. The back paddles make combat so much more precise and fluid. Absolutely love this game even though I wish I waited for the ultimate edition.

  11. This is the worst and laziest "Next gen" port I ever seen so far. The ps5 version is disgusting. Performance mode is basically ps4 pro at 60 fps, which is decent but less than the minimum expected for a supposedly native PS5 game. The ray tracing is pathethic. Horribly feeling 30fps mode that somehows feels slower and more awkward to control than PS4 pro version (which I've finished) and the resolution is even lower, it's a blurry mess at points. And the RT is absolutely crap. Terrible all around.

  12. Is there a comparison of gameplay in regards to the dual sense controller vs series x controller? I am a Series X owner and might wait till i get a PS5 to play certain games simply because of haptics/ adaptive triggers


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