COUNTER THE META: How To DESTROY OP Champs for EVERY Role – League of Legends Patch 11.19

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0:00 Intro
0:21 Lillia vs Sett
0:52 Lillia Build
2:00 Shen vs Camille
2:25 Shen Build
2:52 Kindred vs Jarvan IV
3:23 Kindred Build
3:47 Evelynn vs Ekko
4:11 Evelynn Build
4:33 Anivia vs Yone
4:52 Anivia Build
5:18 Pantheon vs Akshan
5:45 Pantheon Build
6:09 Yasuo vs Draven
6:41 Yasuo Build
7:22 QOTD
7:37 Miss Fortune vs Vayne
8:13 Miss fortune Build
8:34 Amumu vs Blitzcrank
9:02 Amumu Build
9:28 Sona vs Lulu
9:58 Sona Build
10:26 Conclusion
10:48 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.19 Best support 11.19, best mid laners 11.19, best junglers 11.19, best top laners 11.19, patch 11.17 rundown, 11.19 lol, 11.19 changes, item buffs 11.19, kennen nerfs 11.19, ryze nerfs 11.19, sona nerfs 11.19, soraka nerfs 11.19, varus nerfs 11.19, aatrox buffs 11.19, akali buffs 11.19, cho’gath buffs 11.19, fizz buffs 11.19, galio buffs 11.19, gragas buffs 11.19, gwen buffs 11.19, mordekaiser buffs 11.19, poppy buffs 11.19, qiyana buffs 11.19, renekton buffs 11.19, sejuani buffs 11.19, seraphine buffs 11.19, sion buffs 11.19, sylas buffs 11.19,

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48 thoughts on “COUNTER THE META: How To DESTROY OP Champs for EVERY Role – League of Legends Patch 11.19”

  1. QOTD: As a jungle main, I would say Kayn. So versatile in his build so he can counter my team in any way but that's not the worst thing. The worst thing is that he can e into terrain when I almost kill him, escaping with his life. Like come on.

  2. no way yall don’t got someone to check to see if y’all used the right * champs to names by now 😭 it’s been weeks. let’s get it together plsss. i’ll even watch the vids before you post them if you’d like??

  3. QOTD: Master Yi is the most painful champ to deal with as a jg main as if I try to burst him down he just meditates and if I try to have extended fights with him he just uses his q which destroys me.

  4. If anyone in here knows how to play Pantheon mid, here's a little build that I found strong for him there: Eclipse > Situational Boots > Collector > BoRK > Black Cleaver > Sterak's. The runes in this video should work for this.


  5. Can we just take a moment to see that the Sett is using his W not fully charged or even ulting for slow like if it’s “countering meta” at least show people who know how to play meta champs

  6. Is there any vetting of the clips being shown? cuz holy fuck anyone can counter the champs listed if they play like the ops in this video.

    e.g.: @0:54 the sett Es then Ws before he takes ANY DMG…
    @4:50 yone just sits under turret and LETS himself stand in anivia ult for 10 min before doing anything

    it looks that the players are just bad more than the champs actually countering them.

  7. QOTD: I despise the existance of Tryndamere and I wish he just got deleted from the game, and I'm not even a toplaner… as for my main role, I don't like Master Yi, but I just find him irritating to play against, it's not exactly hard..


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