COUNTER THE META: How To DESTROY OP Champs for EVERY Role – League of Legends Patch 11.20

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0:00 Intro
0:19 Jax vs Camille
1:56 Cassiopeia vs Tahm Kench
3:01 Taliyah vs Xin Zhao
4:02 Fiddlestick vs Kha’Zix
4:45 Lissandra vs Yasuo
5:47 Fizz vs Katarina
7:01 Veigar vs Jhin
7:55 Ziggs vs Miss Fortune
9:07 QOTD
9:18 Leona vs Blitzcrank
10:11 Rell vs Amumu
11:07 Conclusion
11:48 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.20 Best support 11.20, best mid laners 11.20, best junglers 11.20, best top laners 11.20, patch 11.20 rundown, 11.20 lol, 11.20 changes, item buffs 11.20, lord dominik’s regards nerfs 11.20, smite nerfs 11.20, taliayh nerfs 11.20, amumu nerfs 11.20, singed nerfs 11.20, jarvan IV nerfs 11.20, irelia nerfs 11.20, shen nerfs 11.20, senna buffs 11.20, darius buffs 11.20, elise buffs 11.20, hecarim buffs 11.20, udyr buffs 11.20,

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45 thoughts on “COUNTER THE META: How To DESTROY OP Champs for EVERY Role – League of Legends Patch 11.20”

  1. QOTD: Lillia to me is broken.. I don’t know I feel like no plays her. But I’ve picked her up recently and the outplay potential From your extremely high movement speed is a little ridiculous.. she is a bit difficult to play to her full potential but I feel she is extremely strong and worth putting in the time

  2. QOTD: Warwick. No one can outduel him in the early game and if you're low, consider yourself dead if he finds you. This is coming from a jungle main who has found it very easy to slaughter my enemies whenever I choose Warwick. Surprisingly, I haven't seen too many Warwick players out there. He was my first main and I'm proud of how strong he truly is, yet I'm wondering why I see very few people go for Warwick and instead go for Lee Sin.

  3. QOTD: Shen. Well I wouldn't say he's necessarily OP but the amount of damage he can dish out early on with his empowered autos is crazy. I understand why he might not be popular, as his role is more of an extra defensive support similar to Braum or Thresh, but he's just extremely flexible and has a pretty big skill floor.

  4. I just want to say, if ya'll are having trouble with Katarina, Pantheon is a wayyy better counter for her than Fizz, he wins harder than Fizz and is easier to play. Kat straight up cannot play the game until level 6 and if she tries you just kill her.

  5. You didn't mention how to fight against Lillia.

    I had a matchup last evening, Teemo was against Lillia top lane (I was a jungler).

    Lillia seemed to be a bit too op.

    I also remembered playing Maokai against Lillia once before, I didn't win against her in that matchup either.

    It would be good if you can tell me who counters Lillia, and how to counter her.

  6. QOTD:Singed is really op if you know how to use him i rarely face good singed onetricks that can easily snowball with a single teamfight although he is really underplayed

  7. QOTD: Lissandra! What exactly is her problem? She's easy to play, provides so much utility, decent damage and works with literally every team comp and jungle duo.
    And she hard counters so many popular midlaners like Leblanc, Yasuo, and Katarina…


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