Creating Engaging PROTAGONISTS and ANTAGONISTS in Video Games


Discover how to write characters for video games!

Character writing is an immense field of study for storytelling in general, whether you’re writing a short story, a novel, or, as is the subject of this video, games. In fact, how you write a character is as integral to how you design a video game character as the aesthetics. While learning the foundations of writing is essential to any good video game script, of course, there are certain considerations that must be taken in the case of video games.

In this video, we’ll talk about game design from the perspective of storytelling with protagonists and antagonists. You’ll first explore how main characters differ from game to game, and how the particular focus on the protagonist will be structured and change the entire game experience. Additionally, you’ll learn the key differences between spoken and silent protagonists – and just why one might suit a particular video game over another.

For antagonists, you’ll learn about various techniques you can use to introduce your “villain” to the game and vastly alter the video game’s story. You’ll also dive into the concept of anti-heroes and how they can play a role in the overall storytelling of the game.

While studying character writing for video games, you’ll also get to see how these techniques and concepts are applied to professionally published video games – and also get to challenge yourself to examine your favorite games through these technical storytelling lenses. By the end, this understanding of how to make purposeful design choices will help you write compelling and engaging characters that players will remember for years to come. Plus, you’ll also have newfound knowledge to decide the best character types for your particular game projects.

No experience is necessary to learn these fundamental design techniques.

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