CyberPunk 2077 |BASE PS4 | full playthrough Part 2


20 thoughts on “CyberPunk 2077 |BASE PS4 | full playthrough Part 2”

  1. I'll be honest I am not a "pro gamer" perse I don't even have a gaming pc(my processor is i3 lol) and I WILL be playing it on ps4 slim(the physical copy is coming on 16th sed).
    To my untrained and perhaps innocent mind this game looks fantastic on base ps4 and I am so excited to play on the ps4 slim. Also by living in a third world country the chance to even play a game like this in a ps4(yes) is a privilege and luxury.
    So to all the ppl out there in the world yes the ps4 version may be buggy with fps drops and what not, but sometimes just try to appreciate that you can actually play a game by one of the best developers in the world.
    And I believe( yes i do) that CD projekt red will be releasing optimization patches in the near feature.
    Cheers and happy gaming.
    (Sorry if there are any grammatical errors English is not my first laungage)

  2. This honestly doesn’t look as bad as everyone says. All these spoiled kids and streamers make you think you have to have the best graphics cards and consoles day one. When the normal gamer can’t even get their hands on the console. While streamers and YouTubers are fed them. I’m not fighting daily to get a new console, that’s just a waste of time. This game will still live up to the hype for me and I’ll enjoy every second of it. I just think others should do the same and shouldn’t feel bad or ashamed for it. Gaming should be fun, not stressful and embarrassing. Nice video by the way and enjoy my dude!

  3. The PS4 can run games like Spider-Man Miles Morales, God of War, RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima and more without problems and it looks good… This game looks like utter trash. Battlefield looks better than this and plays as smooth as butter.

  4. PS4 pro is running the gane smooth as FUCK……and frame rate is also fine……but i don't why base ps4 is not running it smoothly and frame rate always drop when in a crowded place

  5. Looks fine to me. Although it’s probably because I could care less about graphics and as long as it can run at 15-20 FPS I’ll be satisfied.

    I played gtaV on a laptop with potato graphics I even had to tweak the .ini files just to play it.

  6. The ps5 is basically a more powerful ps4 pro thats a lot more quiet and it has ray tracing. Of course CP2077 will run better on the ps5 because the ps5 is made for running games like that. But the ps4 also runs rdr2 and tlou2 without any issues so its definitely not the ps4's fault that cp2077 is running bad. Its just poorly optimized for the ps4 rn. Give it a few months and a few updates and everything should be just fine


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