Cyberpunk 2077 – Colors of Night City at Night (ReShade – Cinematic Exploration – No Commentary)

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27 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Colors of Night City at Night (ReShade – Cinematic Exploration – No Commentary)”

  1. What i hate the most in this game atm beside the bugs (thats not a big deal for me anyway ) but the AI , lack of any Physics and Police system,
    and lack of any open world activites those are a big deal for me , hope all of this get fixed this year and improved 156 hours into this game btw now on PC.

    Anyway what i hate the most atm is how the SSR screen space reflections works in this game is literally broken adds tone of film grain effect even on Ultra setting.
    Really wish they fix this makes the game look way worse with SSR on and thats the thing with SSR Off looks even worse no fine detail shadows on objects anymore or roads , buildings etc.
    So either way u get fucked :))
    Realy wish they fix the SSR problem u can see that film grain effect everywhere in this video to.
    Playing on PC- 1440p mostly high and ultra and 156 hours in this game on my second playghtrou.

  2. Thank you for watching folks! Socials (OPEN FOR MORE INFO)




    Netrunner 2077 Community Website:

    Regarding the Reshade for Cyberpunk 2077, you can download the program itself, import it into Cyberpunk and play around with options, you can also select presets or even import new, I recommend Cyberrunner – A Bladerunner Cyberpunk 2077 Reshade. Mine is adapted for my screen, if you want I can make a detailed tutorial.

    Cyberrunner Mod:

  3. 😁💪💪💪💪😁 it just gets better early development this game 🎮 years ahead of any other game out there 10/10 we need 1st person and multiple on line lobbys mind blowing😁

  4. No matter what anyone says, CDPR NAILED the late night/early morning predator/prey vibe of a downtown district big city vibe. I still remember keeping my head on a swivel at 3am in downtown Dallas, it had the exact same feel.

  5. It was relaxing, thank you! Night City is one of the best open world locations by visuals alone. A digital piece of art. Only sad thing that it's just an illusion, not a living, changing city.
    After the bug fixing patches, CDPR should focus on filling it with content. Side activities, more races, mini-games and interactive crowds could make this game even better than the Witcher 3.

  6. 1:20 the "static" on those wall textures are because Screen Space Reflections do not work properly in this game. It's very unnatural and just looks terrible. It is suggested that you either disable them entirely, or see if completely maxing out that setting helps. Disabling them doesn't really make the game look much worse, because you still get ray traced reflections. Maxing them out seems like a bad idea if you lose performance that could be allocated to better RT, for example.

  7. Except graphics but with high very high settings on 2k or higher resolution(anything weaker, game has terriblo fps drops), game is devoid of anything to do in all that world, dark void, and emptiness… Pity

  8. This game makes you wonder why you should even bother with raytracing. IIRC; your running this on a GTX 1070, right? Beautiful even with RTX off, the screen space reflections look fantastic.


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