Cyberpunk 2077 could not have gone worse

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Cyberpunk 2077 could not have gone worse unless it did go worse in which case I kwite, would have named this video cyberpunk 2077 has gotten even worse, pretty cool right? god what am i doing
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24 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 could not have gone worse”

  1. I swear it’s just a tread to hate on this game right now. I’ve literally had maybe 2 bad bugs/glitches happen in the 62 hours of the game so far and I’ve had maybe, maybe 5-6 stupid little render issues. Not at all but deals, I’ve had so much fun playing cyberpunk on the PC. People need to realize that you can’t tell a game company to make a super nice and crisp demanding beautiful game and then try to run it on your 780 TI or your Generation 1 Xbox or PS4. Cyberpunk 2077 is a fucking awesome game you just need the right setup.

  2. I, in all honesty, am confused about how last gen consoles are handling the game so poorly–I've had only a few freeze-ups and I have the first release Xbox One. The graphics seem fine, sound is fine–its just weird that my 7 year old system is doing better with this game than newer ones

  3. I’m still willing to die on this hill gamers have become spoiled little shits and hate this glitchy ass game even tho it’s fun as all hell you know what else is glitchy and buggy but a lot of people fucking love it, Fucking Fallout New Vegas!!

  4. The best thing to come from this game release is the memes, especially the Microsoft paint Keanu Reeves ones. I freaking love those!

    Edit; also no offense to the fans, but Kindgom Hearts fans had to wait FOURTEEN YEARS for the third game to come out and it got delayed multiple times. 2 literally came out in 2005 and the 3rd came out last year y’all 😂


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