Cyberpunk 2077 Did You Miss this Erotic Secret?

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Cyberpunk 2077 Secrets


30 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Did You Miss this Erotic Secret?”

  1. Honest to God while I had a conversation with Oswald, I wasnt looking or even concentrating in wat he was saying I was jus mainly looking at his monitor. And DAME!!!!!! they looked Good 😂😂😂

  2. After I learned that I could still control V during conversations, I'd start walking and looking around a character while having a conversation with them. In that mission this was the first time I did a double take at the computer screen and said "well damn"

  3. Nah, I didn't. I talked the info I needed out of him and then killed him. Then I saw the screen. These are the same models listed on hacked terminal on Jig-Jig street.

    By the way, Silverhand mocked my diplomacy skills even though I convinced him and only then killed him.

  4. If you actually do a mission that involved taking out a guy who would do horrifying things to Doll’s you can actually threaten him going like “he you know that one asshole? I made him disappear and I will do the same to you if you don’t give me what I want,”


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