Cyberpunk 2077 Has Done The Impossible Today! Just Wow…All New Updates!

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Cyberpunk 2077 News Update – Cyberpunk 2077 has gone onto do the impossible despite intense launch issues on last gen consoles. We’re also going to talk about Sony’s brand new stance against third person developers on PS4 and PS5.

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39 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Has Done The Impossible Today! Just Wow…All New Updates!”

  1. Main story is too short I just completed prologue and 3 mission with panam and I found out m half way there 😂other than that my complaint is Judy is les runs nice on my pc minor bugs no issues Red dead 2 crashed on launch day even after 1 year late pc release date still better than all companies

  2. Finally someone is saying about postivies of this game and CDPRs situation. They made a gem and it definitly pays of for them. It will unfold even better with fixes, dlcs and more cyberpunk content across the culture (Netflix show for example). This will be huge and only morons cant see it. Once the popular hate train is over (as every drama of that type dies out just as it started ) this game will be called the one of the best surpassing witcher in terms of popularity and sales. Quality wise im more hooked on Cyberpunk than to the Witcher. And another thing: human psyche works in such a particular way that if you see hate and mocking of something you rly like/love it will make you even a bigger fan of this thing. The hate and mockery and temporary/popular thing to do. It will fade away just like any other trendy stuff to do but the fan base will remain and stay strong. So anyone whos trying to make bad publicity and bash the game and people who like it will achieve exactly opposite effect. Have a nice day 😉

  3. There are only two issues preventing me from buying this game. First, even for PC and next gen consoles, the game is still buggy. Until it's performance is patched and improved, I'm not buying it. Second, the game's save files will become corrupted if the file exceeds 8mb. Supports response was to just play the main story and start again. Sorry. But Skyrim had this problem and I didn't like it then either. You don't create an open world game, put a limit on the saves, and then it not be possible to finish the game if you want to run all the side missions (and yes, doing side missions can make it possible to not finish the main story.) CD:PR has to fix that aspect of the game as well or I will not buy it.

  4. no real info here at all despite a sales figure, and definitely no news on a new update. For anyone wondering 13M in sales translates to roughly $780M in revenue minus $1B wiped from the company stock value, minus an estimated $1.2B in development costs over the 8 years in production, lawyers swarming, a class action lawsuit gaining unprecedented traction. The company has a net value at around $8.1B I expect that value to fall considerably. They were the biggest publicly traded game company in Europe, there’s a lot of pissed off investors looking to recoup on their losses.
    It’s not looking good. Their only hope is to find a way to immediately regain consumer confidence, updates, future dlc and discounts on the console versions. I honestly sincerely hope they find a way to continue to not just fix but also build the game, something as simple as adding the thermal katana we saw in the trailers would be a nice gesture.

  5. 90 hours plus of game play. Ther are some serious problems with game glitches and save file memory issues. The storylines are incredible. I actually cared for many of the characters that V interacts with. Combat is reasonable and there is a ton to do. Driving is about my least favorite mechanic within the game. Once the glitches are fixed I'd say this has to be one of my all time favorites. Still, I have no regrets in purchasing this title. Just want the Devs to fix the issues.

  6. I am now disappointed in this game and not because of the bugs . Maybe I had high expectations because of the Witcher 3, but this game is too short . This game was all about options and this and that , I feel very limited. I thought I was just scratching the surface of the game but I am in the last act . Feels like Outer Worlds to me.

  7. I've played around 45 hours on PC (20 hrs Street Kid save I deleted as I forgot to meet Meredith Stout and I wanted to bang her later in the story) so I started as Street kid again and mopped up all the side missions in the prologue and that's as far as I've got. I want the best experience possible so am going to wait til second large patch drops in February and immerse myself from there. Needs lots of polishing but it is a great and fun game. A mix between Deus Ex, Fallout 4 & Dying Light. Great combination.

  8. I will never take back my base PS4 copy of the game despite its glitches, bugs and faults. Because I know that this game will be fixed. This game is amazing, and I'm willing to look past all of its faults.

  9. Play cyberpunk 2077 on my Xbox one x and I have no issues the odd crash maybe once a night but I have other games that do that there are so many games with bugs and stuff on release even after 2 years the divison 2 still does.i think people are takiing the P and just trying to get a free game

  10. glitches and bugs can get fixed but the save file size limit is silly, an rpg where you're being discouraged from looting and crafting when it has almost an entire skill tree dedicated to it, please just up the size once the quests and stuff is done people will move to the next character they want to do anyway

  11. I heard Sony took Cyberpunk off the market, because they have a "no refunds" policy and CDPR telling all unsatisfied customers to ask for a refund (allegedly without speaking with sony first) really pissed them off.


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