Cyberpunk 2077 is a Mess – Tuesday Mailbox – Rainbow Six Siege

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Today’s Mailbox I discuss the recent Cyberpunk 2077 launch and making some changes to Jackal in Rainbow Six Siege.

Twitch Streaming:

CanCan – Offenbach


41 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 is a Mess – Tuesday Mailbox – Rainbow Six Siege”

  1. In my honest opinion, the reason why Doc isn't played as much anymore is because his gadget doesn't have that much impact on a round, is really situational and isn't as viable as an evil eye, for example.
    Doc doesn't really fill a role that well unless you can't hit headshots with attacking weapons, but in R6 you don't really need a crispy clean aim to hit a head, even on console

  2. For mailbox: I think the doc idea isnt so bad but what do you think if ubi were to just stop changing things and focua on improving. They make a change to an op and call the game better =/

  3. Do you think flash grenades should give a hit confirmation (via points or sound cue)? I can't count the amount of times I've flashed someone from 2m away and it didn't work because he buried his head into a wall

  4. What if shield operators could sprint into a barricade to make it break instantly? And to make it balanced, once they break the barricade, sprint could be on a 1 second cooldown or there would be some sort of animation to prevent them from just breaking the barricade and continue running straight into the room.

  5. The odd thing is, playing on PC the only major bugs I've run into are enemies glitching into containers every now and then, but that happens very rarely for me. I haven't seen the crazy glitches like this, and I'm sad about that XD

  6. What if as a rework for Doc, he put down a bag (like rook) with stims in it, one for everyone. Only doc can self res, but everyone who picks one up keeps it as a way to heal 40hp in combat, no matter where they are. Like a tertiary gadget. You could make it a double tap or a press and hold button for a key bind

  7. Would you think that Oryx having 4 remah dashes, and when is oryx at 4 dash, he doesn't take damage running through a wall. But when is 3 or less he takes 5 hp. And if they give him withstand so if he was low on health and he accidentally runs through a wall he can get up again..this should make Oryx a better operator.

  8. Matt as much as I agree with your critiques I genuinely think this video and the opinion is correct (and the game is very very VERY buggy) allegedly cdpr was under a lot of stress and crunch for the release from the company’s “suits”. Because of this I have to dislike this video because the “crunch culture” in the games industry is already inexcusable and I just don’t think videos like this can positively influence that already incredibly toxic environment for the devs

  9. Doc's gadget is balanced just fine
    The only buffs i would give him is a red dot sight and a faster ads Time for his stim pistol
    This way he'll be more affective at healing his teammates without affecting himself

  10. 10/10 Doc buff idea to make him heal teammates:
    Give every defender voice lines and an animation for when they ask to get healed, their operator will say in a super puppy eyes type of voice "pwease sior doc may i pwease have a heawl?" and they would get on their knees and stair at him with puppy dog eyes.

  11. I absolutely love these discussions! The only character I am bothered by in siege is Cav. She is by far the strongest character in my opinion and needs a nerf or change. I’m always 2 hit by her and that makes no sense when it comes from a handgun. Everyone complains about jackel and lion but I don’t hear anything about cav. What’s your thoughts?

  12. Lion rework idea: he has to target a specific area of the map to scan (like using the mortar strike kill streak in COD), so it requires at least some thought in where to scan for people. Cooldowns and number of charges may need to be rebalanced, of course

  13. Jackal still gets banned because ranked players are clueless and don’t understand the game. He was nerfed a while ago, nerfed enough that there’s no point no legitimate reason to ban him on most maps. Ranked players are just dumb and don’t have a thought process and continue to ban pointless operators.

  14. I think EA/DICE should have a "bad company" series along the mainline series. the biggest problem with battlefield right now is it is a combined arms game with a infantry centric player-base. if they made an "infantry battlefield" alongside "Combined arms battlefield" everybody (except maybe the developers who now have to make two games) would be happy as their getting what they want and EA can be EA and double dip.

    and yes I'm well aware what I'm describing is what EA tried to do with medal of honour, except they went more towards "COD by EA" rather than "battlefield without vehicles"


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