Cyberpunk 2077 Multi-Build Power Start Walkthrough Part 37 – Generic Level 16 Armor Build

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This video is part of a REAL walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 by veteran video gamer, Major Slack. Featuring a special MULTI-BUILD OPEN WORLD POWER START that will show you how to stockpile a ton of attribute points, perk points and most importantly, CASH (and lots of it). With the power start complete, you can then use that save game as a springboard to experiment with any number of kickass starter builds, different playstyles and alternate gameplay without having to grind through the game again.

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14 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Multi-Build Power Start Walkthrough Part 37 – Generic Level 16 Armor Build”

  1. Weee! More Slack before the weekend starts! πŸ˜€ One more shift to go and away to Night City I'll go. Done all the optional stuff besides a few locked behind Story Missions. Phew, took me about shy 70 hours. Now to progress just enough to unlock those, and then proceed to steamroll through the entire campaign. Just about to feel ready for some expansion packs as well. Would love to explore more of this world. Hell, even as Mr. Silverhand. Ended up having too much eddies, and nothing to use it on due to how I play the game. Guess that wont be a problem once I start to buy legendary crafting specs, seeing as those are expensive. Oh well. πŸ™‚

  2. Slack there's also the "PANACEA" mod which grants immunity against poison and shock. The drawback is it takes up one clothing slot. But don't ask me where and how I found it b/c Ig got no idea πŸ˜‰ Just putting it out there

  3. Lol Slack, Not a pronunciation Nazi but looked it up cause I wondered and it is a real word Integumentary, In-Teg-you-men-tory is how it is pronounced and it comprises the skin and it's appendages, including hair, feathers, scales exc. Basically anything on the outside of an animal that either stops damage or moisture loss within. Learn something new every day I guess lol

  4. I could only purchase legendary crafting items at the clothing store when I first walked in the store. I needed to do a save reload to reroll the chances on the legendary crafting items. Waiting 24 hours did not work and no legendary crafting items would be offered(did 10 trys, 2 characters). I could only purchase the grounding plating cyberware after I bumped up technical from 10 to 12. Not showing the pre-reqs on an item once you have the pre-reqs is a pet peeve of mine with this game.


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