Cyberpunk 2077 PC Review – The Way It's Meant To Be Experienced

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In conclusion, Cyberpunk 2077 on PC has some visible flaws. Its poor implementation of law enforcement, inconsistent quality of side missions, and a somewhat weird crafting system are definite flaws. However, those flaws feel obscure and very minor in the grand scheme of things.

An excellent and well-designed world, superb storytelling, great soundtrack, plenty of options to approach a mission, excellent graphics, and some of the best combat mechanics of the year make Cyberpunk 2077 a must play for every open world fan. This game is no Witcher 3- but it doesnโ€™t need to be, because most of the things it tries to do, it does them with great aplomb. Cyberpunk 2077 on the PC is an experience that is, simply put, unmissable.


30 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 PC Review – The Way It's Meant To Be Experienced”

  1. NOTE: Given the major differences in the PC and console builds of Cyberpunk 2077 and the experiences they offer, we thought it would be best to go live with two reviews, one for each version. Each of our reviews is separate, written by different authors, and with a different perspective on the game, so opinions on some things may vary.

    Link to our console review: (PS4 version played on PS5 via backward compatibility)

  2. I really don't get the "hate" about the crime system. Sure, police spawning out of nowhere IS a flaw, but if they were to chase you all around town, it would be more of an irritation than a cool mechanic.

  3. To be honest I feel it's gonna be the same with few more big games in the end of old gen lifespan like Far Cry 5. Old gen versions are gonna be bad. Don't pre order and wait for reviews if you stay with ps4 and xone.

  4. My friend has been streaming it on the series x and the only things I've seen are floating objects here and there…with that said by the time I get the series x most these bugs will be fixed I'm sure(I knew to stay away from current gen copy..that's what the delays was for I wanna current gen didn't feel left out..looking at all the bugs the probably should've left them out) I still plan on getting it..witcher 3 had bugs..but we see how that game turned out

  5. I see it's a lot of PC fan boys in the comments๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ..comments coming off like some PS Xbox fan boys๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  6. "Remarkable smooth experience"… No dude, it's not smooth at all, with the recommended requirements I can barely play with 30 FPS on medium and low in 1080p. Interiors are ok, out in the city it's not smooth at all.

  7. Great review. I hope the police get an update or a mod, would be nice if they chased you in police cars. Also one time the cops spawned right behind me out of nowhere killing me. You'd think it would be easy to code the cops to only spawn away from the player, not right next to them.

  8. At this point I feel every game company should just help rockstar make a new GTA. Rockstar games feels like the only faint left that creates unique never done before games and does them well. Rdr2 and gta 5 looked and played great on last gen hardware…. imagine either built with the likes of a 6900xt or 3090 or new xbox and playstation hardware. Game wouldn't only look insane, but would have more depth and playability than either had combined. Cyberpunk feels like fallout4 with neon everywhere. There's literally nothing in it or about that makes you feel like it's something new or fresh. Shooting feels weird, melee is strange, cops spawn behind you, road traffic is a joke…..idk how the main story opens up with you knowing all these people as V when I havent come across a part of the game where it gives him back story. The character creator isn't what was promised and even still, why create a character you can't see unless you pasue the game or look in a mirror in a apartment. Some stuff listed are bugs but most is stuff they screwed up on

  9. Been seeing alot of reviews about Keh_cr4ck on IG and they are all true because he's the best hacker For every one of your social media accounts including WhatsApp, Want to spy on your GF he's d Guy for the Job

  10. They released it on last gen to make profit and they did, it is truly a pc only game optimization is still bad on pc but its not as bad as last gen consoles hope patches will fix it minor issues on pc too.

  11. 6:14 The fact that you are not able to unlock a full skill tree in one play though, coupled with the level cap being 50 really tells me that you will be able to play as V more in the story based DLC. Remember that in the Witcher 3, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine increased your level cap.

  12. Your choices don't really change anything or even matter, the one at the very end gives you 3 choices that's it the only thing you can change in the story – minutes before it ends.

  13. It just looks like a slightly above average First Person RPG with a cyberpunk aesthetic. Honestly I think the only reason it was so hyped is because it has Keanu Reeves in it. I remember a friend of mine rambling about how amazing this game was going to be and how the 'life path' system was going to change gaming. Its literally a rip off of the origins system from DA:O. It looks no different gameplay wise than Deus EX or any Bethesda Fallout game.


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