Cyberpunk 2077 Ps4 vs PC Ultra Settings Comparison

Cyberpunk 2077 Ps4 vs PC Ultra Settings Comparison

This is a side by side comparison of cyberpunk 2077 on ps4 vs PC max settings.

PC Specs :-
Ryzen 5 2600 (3.7ghz)
GTX 1080 ROG Strix (Stock)
16gb 3000mhz ram
Asrock Steel Legend B450 Motherboard

PS4 :- Standard PS4 Slim

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23 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Ps4 vs PC Ultra Settings Comparison”

  1. Такие сравнения надо делать в как минимум в 2k и как максимум в 4к но не как не в 1080р! И где счётчик Fps?

  2. I have bought my 14 year old boy his first console for Christmas, a playstation 3, I cannot find this game anywhere for his console, does anybody know where they would sell it? also what other games would a 14 year old like?

  3. I have 2080ti and I play on max settings with 90fps without rtx.
    With rtx however i play on 50-35fps and there's almost no difference in visuals.. Hell, the ray tracing actually looks terrible with almost every ray traced being glitchy as hell and make the game looks very horrible. So if you have AMD or ps5 don't feel bad about it.


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