Cyberpunk 2077 – Teaser Trailer Girl Easter Egg Secret Mission (Melissa Rory)

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Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer girl can be found in the game with a hidden secret side quest, I show the location and how to trigger the side quest, we find out that Melissa Rory was a Cybercycho who killed 14 people and then became senior MaxTac officer in Cyberpunk 2077.

Melissa Rory was origianlly featured in the 2013 teaser trailer for cyberpunk 2077 before she joined MaxTac 7 years later.

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29 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Teaser Trailer Girl Easter Egg Secret Mission (Melissa Rory)”

  1. had no clue this was in the game! its great to see detailed missions like this despite amount of the flaws. im jus throughly happy this game still gets the little details right and i hope it improves more in future updates.

  2. Wow, is this like the only time maxtac shows up besides the beginning. I enjoyed this game but its very mediocre and doesn’t live up to anything in the 2018 trailer

  3. I didn't know that Easter Egg until I saw this video
    I just went with Katana like a crazy ass motherfucker and sliced that cyber psycho with 3 hits and put him into sleep then this girl showed up.

  4. Max Tac themselves who were the first to be introduced in the teaser trailer are cut content.
    You only see them in action once and even then one of them is missing a gun in his hand….

  5. I hope they add the cut content when things cool down from people whining. The conversation sounded like it was cut short could probably have been another romance option. That would have been cool.


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