Cyberpunk 2077: The 3 Best Character Builds

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Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot of options to choose from when it comes to creating a strong build but the leveling and perks system can be kind of confusing. So, here …


33 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: The 3 Best Character Builds”

  1. I’ve just been sniping everyone through walls & hacking, sitting on 40+perk points. Didn’t see the point investing into builds when you can just one tap headshot rather easily

  2. I still dont get how I'm supposed to keep my weapons usable without upgrading them 30 times. some of the best katanas are found early game and their damage becomes underwhelming after a while.

  3. ‘Terminator’ Shotgun build is awesome as well.
    most points in body and annihilation as well as reflex for speed.
    Basically makes you a lightning fast tank that relies on shotgun blasts for crowd control , super fun

  4. Remember that you can reset your perk selection with the Tabula Rasa item which you can purchase from ripperdocs for 100,000. Just tab over from the cyberware selection screen to buy mods.


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