Cyberpunk 2077 VS GTA V – Physics Test (4K)




31 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 VS GTA V – Physics Test (4K)”

  1. cyberpunk is really disappointing I expected much on this game coz as I play the witcher 3 damn that was so awesome but this shit ah hell no there are so many bugs and glitches like everywhere but I really love the graphics but the storyline I don't like that much

  2. Guys is the first time cdpr has done this type of Game, they are gonna fix it.The game itself is amazing-the world, story,characters,audio,animations.
    Stoo listening to every pathetic YouTubers , who tries to make views by showing only the bad sides.This video is good, and I am totally is an agreement with it but please , give it a try.

  3. Cyberpunk needs a full overhaul …physics, AI and ability to interact with environment… and get rid of 3 vending mach8nes on each block instead of talking to food venders on street and actually buying stuff


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