Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Part 18 – Welcome to America, Comrade (UNDETECTED EXPLAINED)

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This video clearly explains why some are having problems getting the ‘undetected’ bonus for the “Welcome to America, Comrade” job.

A REAL walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 by veteran video gamer, Major Slack. Featuring a special MULTI-BUILD OPEN WORLD POWER START that will show you how to stockpile a ton of attribute points, perk points and most importantly, CASH (and lots of it). With the power start complete, you can then use that save game as a springboard to experiment with any number of kickass starter builds, different playstyles and alternate gameplay without having to grind through the game again.

Thanks for watching!

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7 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Part 18 – Welcome to America, Comrade (UNDETECTED EXPLAINED)”

  1. I agree with Slacks theory. I remember when he fast travelled to the location and alerted those enemies. He couldn't resist the access point near the fast travel point. I can't remember, but I think I've triggered them as well. The bonus seems to suck so no big deal anyway.

  2. Yeah, I tried this one quite a few times and was scratching my head why I didn't get the "good" reward. Thanks for the clarification, Slack!

    Also why does the drop point say, "Devilery" instead of "Delivery"?


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