Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you try to not let Judy smoke

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41 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you try to not let Judy smoke”

  1. You know whats even better? I tried to do Panam's quests and I murdered Saul (said Panam to wait for me there, never came to the place and after a while Panam posted me that Saul died) BUT the game ending speeches had Saul thanking me for saving Mitch although Panam called me a shithead for not saving Saul and how she hopes someone will betray me like I betrayed her. (at the time I was wearing a Wraith outfit btw AND came to the meeting in Wraith car)

    Seems like Saul has some immortality tech as well. Did you experience such inconsistencies as well? Also, in the ending Panam wasnt even angry at me when she was completely pissed off during the game.

  2. most of cyber punk quest are set to a outcome no matter what you do like when you meet dex at the hotel I said it before only a few quest acty have different outcomes like Judy quest do have different outcomes and butt the rest of the game does not like with you cant choice not to have jhonny take control see my point

  3. I don't blame her, I would probably start smoking as well considering all the shit that is happening in the world. Hell doubt it would make any difference and besides wouldn't be surprised to have synthetic lungs that you can implant yourself with.

  4. There was never any point fighting what the game wanted me to do. I hated Judy, I would have thrown them out before giving her one. But eventually the game tells you to stfu and give her a cigarette. Why even bother with the illusion of choice? Game would have been fine without the fake open world and fake convo prompts.

  5. to idiots saying choices don't matter: it's literally blue text in CDPR game, it's intended to give more dialog option not choices hehe, there's only on yellow option, there's no illusion, just straight in your face : judy will get that cigarette, but you can get some extra dialogue with her.


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