Daltoosh's Thoughts on How Nickmercs Plays Apex | Apex Legends Daily Highlights & Funny Moments

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Daltoosh’s Thoughts on How Nickmercs Plays Apex | Apex Legends Daily Highlights & Funny Moments ep181

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🎵Outro Music:
Track: WiDE AWAKE – Something More [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/ke-uyk8qylU
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/-SomethingMoreYO

⏲Time Stamps:
00:00 Thumbnail Content
01:22 Crylix Aping
01:37 Daltoosh Insane Sentinel Shot
01:59 Frex’s Team 2v3
02:19 Fun Popping off with Kraber
02:41 Gen Aimbotting
02:56 Taxi: You good?
03:17 Ottr 1v3
03:42 Rogue 1v3 WIN
04:08 Sirdel 1v3 as Wattson
04:31 He Learning
04:50 Zach Baits His Own Teammate
05:07 Pad Trick
05:20 What needs to Happen to Seer
05:30 Play Your Life?
05:59 Famous
06:23 Kraber Shots
06:42 Nasty Tracking
06:58 Look like an India
07:13 Sweet
07:34 Octane Got Sucked
08:07 Vor3z 1v3 Clutch
08:36 Quick Third Party Clean Up
08:53 Daltoosh Commentating Nick
09:37 Fun Clutch
10:07 Knock one, Knock two
10:24 Kick Save
10:42 Shiv is Speechless
11:01 Ghost Door
11:20 Zipline Kills
11:41 Roller Mac
12:27 Stormen on Meaning of Life
12:47 Trick Shot
12:59 Timmy Airlire
13:39 Channel’s Outro

🎮Legends featured in this episode
If I didn’t credit you above, pls let me know in the comment section or email me.



45 thoughts on “Daltoosh's Thoughts on How Nickmercs Plays Apex | Apex Legends Daily Highlights & Funny Moments”

  1. I typed in Nicks chat that they should drop in a few different places and his mod said ( we didn't ask your opinion ). okay have fun playing 15 hours and staying the same rank after stream.

  2. bro let him have fun, if it's what got him hooked in the game then he has to see it thru. Not saying daltoosh is wrong but you can literally play the game however the fuck you want, eventually you'll get a grasp on everything the more you play. I've played pubs for years before ranked and I still don't have a team to grind it so I'll suck no matter what, they obviously have each other's backs and thats what this comes down to.

  3. Let em play how he plays u can’t discriminate on how somebody else plays the game now u get 💩on then what right u just gone complain everybody has there on way of playing the game not everybody plays same

  4. The crazy thing is nobody gives a flying fuck about ur rank ppl who have high ranks 50% of their rank goes to their team and their ability to use their ability very good but actual movement and aim raw mechanical skill that needed in let’s say pub g or seige cs val those game require mechanical skill this game u have to be good at aiming but it’s not as important as team work, utility , and ability usage …. I’m not saying it’s not important to be good at aiming obviously it’s a shooter but it’s wayyyy more of a team based and ability based game to just rely on mechanical skill and even crazy movement skill like faide or lyric for example they are amazing at the movement mechanics and they still get killed so team work and abilities will almost always succeed over individual skill and there is always exceptions to the rule ppl can 1v2 1v3 1v6 but it’s very difficult and it’s really only in situations where u can get in and out and u have other enemies occupying other enemies so u don’t get tunneled when u get low on heath which is wah at ur team would’ve done in that situation I’d shoot the push so u can heal if u didn’t have someone preventing the push more times than not ur gonna die

  5. I like Nickmercs but I find funny how ppl on his streams thinks he’s really good for some reason. Like he’s average and a lot of the times he looks like a bot, and least in Apex. Cod was a lot easier and in Fornite he was always getting shit on. He was good at GoW though 😂

  6. It is really sad actually. As someone that tried 82747484848 and die as many to learn the game, watching Nick playing is just sad. He’s going for Kp and ring not improving movement or skills. Great you are masters now but you probably can’t 1v1 anyone or solo q!

  7. I disagree for me it all comes down to gun fight from each group Ik knowing the lay out is important BUT most of these lay out are self explanatory your really need to just get use to the gun fight and know what to do in a 1v1 or squad vs squad

  8. Nick and most of these warzone dudes are playing apex like warzone and apex is a different league than warzone and daltoosh definitely isn’t hating bc if you look at nicks recent YouTube vids almost all the comments are talking about this shit they’ll learn tho eventually

  9. 😁Nickmercs and the BoysareMasters in Apex legends just incase all the Haters wanted to know 😏 and He did it in a week Respect to The Pioneer of Gaming Big Brother Nickmercs 👍 👏


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