Day 1 – Into the Shadowlands!

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Well Shadowlands has finally arrived! Today Mike takes a look at his first day in the new expansion and how the launch went for him.

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22 thoughts on “Day 1 – Into the Shadowlands!”

  1. Maldraxxus was the best zone! especially as a DK, i can control undead EVERYTHING in there (except for skull lvl enemies and a few named npc). the pet was doing like 550-750 damage every auto attack! so much fun!

  2. 3 bars off 60 at the moment, it's been hard to get enough time Infront of the PC to level. Having been away since warlords it's been nice to get back into things, I just wish I wasn't levelling a rogue straight up lol

  3. I was pretty damn fed up of WoW to begin with, but I was still ready at launch. Took a few minutes to get teleported by the death gate in Stormwind because of all the lag. When I got to ICC and tried to take the quest, nothing happened and then I got disconnected. Tried to log in several times, but the character selection screen just remained black for 30+ minutes except one of the tries in which I could enter the world… only to get stuck on the loading screen at 90%. At that point I just gave up. I have 1 character in Bastion now, done about 5 quests or so.

    This has been the worst launch for me. Not being able to play for hours + not having any desire to play 🙁
    Silvermoon EU.

  4. Oh fuck you, seriously. They had 100k people, MINIMUM who havent been able to play.. not for "few hours" but fucking 3 days now. 5000+ queues that last hours, into a loading screen that leads to DC and back to queue.

    It was one of the most catastrophic and shitty launches in the last decaded, only over taken by wod launch.

    It was an absolute fucking embarrassment for them as a company and I for sure wont be renewing my sub.

  5. I purchased the expansion a day after the expansion launched and reached level 52. I'll play some more tomorrow because I'm zonked from work. I am enjoying leveling my mage at a leisurely pace so that I can experience all of the quests I can find.

  6. My first hour of Shadowlands

    Look at empty char screen
    90% load screen.
    Look at empty char screen
    Load into Maw.

    Followed by 10 hours of quest turn in lag and 2 hours of hardcore Revendreth ability lag.

  7. When I see so many world quests and I know I do not have to do them it feels so fucking great. I didn't keep up with beta, so it's all new world for me now, but it looks so good. Here's to good expansion!

  8. there is no rush starting to play the game either as there is loads of catch up systems. on the fence if you want to play this expansion or not? don't do it. if you change your mind in a month, there are catch up systems that help you get there very quickly. I haven't bought it yet. I honestly wasn't going to as I was expecting it to be a total shit show, but you know what? I think I changed my mind. I think I'll buy the game after all. it will be quite the pricy affair as I have to move a character too, but it will be worth it


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