Dear Respawn, The Apex Legends Community Has SPOKEN…

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You guys spoke & this is want you want in Season 8 of Apex Legends…

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28 thoughts on “Dear Respawn, The Apex Legends Community Has SPOKEN…”

  1. Peacekeeper needs to stay in care package. Mastiff is not nearly as consistent in damage output like the PK. Respawn knows that there's no good or bad way to nerf it so they packaged it. The trade off is fine. Mastiff isn't as OP as the PK on floor loot.

  2. Solos CAN work.

    But it will require work.

    Something Daniel Klein has said is that reworks are so hard because of the manpower that’s required.

    We COULD give the legends whose abilities are team based replacements that are exclusive to solos.

    This would be Lifeline’s Passive, Mirage’s Passive, Gibby’s Secondary Passive, and Loba’s Ultimate (maybe she can take 3 items in regular but 4 in solos).

    Also, due to how the meta would change, Lifeline would need a passive that makes her worth picking in solos. If that doesn’t happen Octane’s passive would put her totally out of contention.

    As for the changes, I think Lifeline’s passive should be changed to D.O.C acting as an automatic golden knockdown if she can manage to get out of the situation, and if she gets an actual golden knockdown it’s used faster.
    Gibby doesn’t need another ability, take away his fast bubble revives, he still has 2 passives and is still viable.
    Mirage, on the other hand, would lose Encore and Now You See Me. Both of his actual passives. Now, he would still have skydive decoys and the ability for his decoys to ping enemies, however, I think he should turn invisible when healing if he’s in solos, considering the fact that 2 of his passives are either eliminated or almost totally nullified.

    Or they could just give his decoys blanks and/or make him recon, and he wouldn’t need new abilities to be viable in solos. ReSpawn. You bamboozling badass haters.

    As for Loba, we already went over her potential ultimate change.

  3. i don’t think that duo ranked would be a good idea cuz players would be more divided and will the rewards be the same?!?! although i’m solo queuing ranked all the time cuz …

    but yh, i believe more players will play ranked if there are more and better rewards.
    Buff ranked rewards. that’s it

  4. "The servers have been ass especially on PC" meanwhile on console: 2720 latency, every server has at least 10 packet loss, 89 ping in st Luis (playing from ohio where st luis is closest server) lag out after every ranked match, code net 3 times an hour, and lagging so hard you get shot through a door

  5. Fix the ranked kp system. You should be able to get assists after 7 seconds. Raise the timer to 20, you should be able to be positive at any rank with full kp so kp needs to be raised to either 6 or 7 because preds are only positive with full and top 10

  6. These are good point and good direction for the game and i hope the devs are watching this and agrees with the community.. also for a mirage buff let his decoys actually manifest physically to actually eat incoming shots to him obliviously tweek the numbers so its not broken i say like 11 damage to each decoy life and if any single shot does more then that then will destroy the decoy and still pentrate anything behind it bt I feel like this is the only buff that'll will make him in line with other powerful legends at this point bt still a very fun character to use now get the bam-woulizelin

  7. I'm just tired of the severs and getting lvl 50 teammates like not to take shots but I shouldn't have to have 2 teammates under lvl 100 while champions and others got more balanced levels like I know lvl doesn't define skill but I didn't work up to lvl 500 and above to get lowballed

  8. Breakable walls and environments would be amazing.
    They could make it very limited for a start, only making certain parts of walls of buildings destructible by explosives of any kind.
    like imagine some of the walls in the long corridoors on Sorting, Worlds Edge.
    And walls of the wooden buildings on Kings Canyon. While the sort of base building frame would still survive explosives (so the entire structures wouldn't crumble, just parts of the walls.

    I think this would make the game so much better. You could create new entrances/exits, new strategies.
    It would give the game an amazing new element to contend with.
    And would change up the map each game.

    I also think they should just go ahead and throw in a bunch of carepackages at the start.
    Make the loot even more RNG with higher luck to get good gear from random packages that maybe even already landed at start like the carepackage event or better.

    There just needs to be more exciting stuff going on in the map to give players another tactical and fun element to consider.

  9. Idk where respawn gets their data for solos and how it “hurts the game”, because on all of the apex Facebook groups I’m in, the vast majority seems to want solos in. I’d much rather have solos than a no fill option. 1v2 and 1v3 just not a good time lol.


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