Delivering Chaos to the Kids of Los Santos – GTA V

The Fake AH crew want to fill the children of Los Santosโ€™ stockings with holiday cheer and highspeed motor vehicles. Can they pack their trusty MULE with gifts with only minor explosions and injury?
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31 thoughts on “Delivering Chaos to the Kids of Los Santos – GTA V”

  1. This video is 37 minutes of thinly veiled improv, has less direction, planning and effort (sorry Matt) than the Minecraft videos everybody has been bitching about but yet nobody is bitching about this and blaming Matt for ruining AH or something similarly ridiculous. Weird how viewers can let it slide here but every video that Lindsay or Ky makes has shit rained down upon it and the end of Achievement Hunter is nigh.

    For the record, I'm fine if I'm not into a video as much as the cast is. I'm capable of sitting and half assedly watching or just clicking off, unlike some people. In fact, I enjoy it less when I see the audience being so selfish and negative towards certain cast members, whereas the vibe in this video comment section is much more chill than any minecraft video lately. The comments detract from those videos so much and display how biased the viewers can be.

  2. Did they add Joe for the younger audience? As a long time viewer, he doesnt seem to add much except summarize whats happening right then or what has happened. I dont hate the guy, he just doesnt do much.

  3. Not even twenty seconds in, and they are already taking "indoor parking" way too literal.

    5:50 Michael can strike "getting run over by an ATV while inside a truck" off his bucket list.

    7:50 "In my country we call that a failure, but in America… A deferred success, right?"

    8:20 Starring Michael Jones as "Kenny."

    9:20 The Grinch.

    9:45 That happened. I don't know what it was, but it happened.

    GTA Online takes the laws of physics as polite suggestions.

    10:30 "This is gonna work, right?" – famous epitaph.

    11:00 Merry charcoal-mas.

    11:45 If at first you don't succeed, ram it harder.

    12:15 Alfredo's middle name is "Eagle Eye." Yes, two middle names.

    14:30 Trevor got it.

    14:45 It got Trevor.

    15:50 Matt's really killing it today.

    16:50 Alfredo "helps."

    17:50 180noway.

    18:10 And suddenly, Michael's whole world became Viper.

    18:30 Fire works.

    20:00 Joe, get up.

    21:15 You must be this tall to… Get knocked off the roof by a semaphore pole.

    22:10 Shanky Claus.


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