Destroy All Humans Remake PS5 vs PS4 Pro Frame Rate Comparison

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Destroy All Humans Remake PS5 vs PS4 Pro frame rate comparison comparing the framerate/fps on PlayStation 5 and Playstation 4 Pro running under backwards compatibility.
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The version tested was 1.08.

Patch 1.08 adds an FPS Limit option to the PS4 Pro version of Destroy All Humans which allows the frame rate cap to be set to 60fps.

The PS4 Pro version and the PS5 running under backwards compatibility both render at a native resolution of 1920Γ—1080.

Frames Pixel Counted:

Watch in 4K and 60fps for the best experience.
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37 thoughts on “Destroy All Humans Remake PS5 vs PS4 Pro Frame Rate Comparison”

  1. Patch 1.08 adds an FPS Limit option to the PS4 Pro version of Destroy All Humans which allows the frame rate cap to be set to 60fps.

    The PS4 Pro version and the PS5 running under backwards compatibility both render at a native resolution of 1920×1080.

  2. If somehow we could get rid of the 60fps cap we could see the actual CPU+GPU multiplier of the next gen consoles.

    I assume you could run this game at 120fps range on PS5 and Series X without issues.

  3. Excuse me vgtech i have a question. =) When its possible for you could you test the new persona game "Persona 5 Strikers"? Im very interessed to see how the final Game performs but unfortunately it seems like nobody cares about this Game in terms of its Tech.

    I would be happy to hear an answer from you. =)

  4. Can you test Assassin's Creed Rogue, maybe PS4 Pro vs PS5? Digitalfoundry said it was locked at 30fps but I'm playing it now and it's definitely not on Pro, quite a few noticeable drops into the mid/low 20s


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