Do Video Games Get Too Much Hype?!

Do new video games get too much hype before release?
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23 thoughts on “Do Video Games Get Too Much Hype?!”

  1. Cyberpunk had 2 seperate hour long gameplay sessions and it still made no difference cause they used a high end pc and curated a non glitch part, but my expectations were in check I played it on a series x and Had a fine time with it.

  2. Witcher is one of the greatest games ever made- why wouldnt people be hyped about cyberpunk ?????? I will admit though that cd project "LYING" about almost done for many times to keep the hype up for over a year was clearly done on purpose.

  3. I actually see less advertising for games nowadays. Doesn't anyone remember the cinematic trailers of the 90s/00s? ie. Master Chief opening up a can of whoop-ass? Cool commercial, told us nothing about Halo 2 though. Or magazine spreads for play station/nintendo, typically the gameplay screenshots were the smallest part of the ad. Companies market have always marketed a feeling to consumers, this is true of any industry beyond video games. Movies come to mind. There's always been marketing and there's always been sleeper hits. Same ol same ol.

  4. its crazy that both Cyberpunk 2077 was a high budget average to poorly reviewed game and STILL made money despite the bad press and obvioudly flawed product

    I'd only thought you'd see that with sports titles

  5. Yes they are hyped too much. Hype can destroy a game. A good amount of hype can make a game (primarily if it’s, you know, good). Destiny was a great example of a game that got killed by hype, but actually ended up being a great game.

  6. Cyberpunk is a unique case that compares to essentially no other game that’s been released. CD Project decided to release the game a year or more earlier than they should have. If you look at Sony’s E3 2018 gameplay trailer for The Last of Us 2, the game looks exactly as the final product released two years later. That’s what happens when games are given proper development time.

  7. I got myself super hyped for Cyber Shadow. Granted it wasn't a AAA game but it was announced a couple years ago and backed by Yacht Club Games, famous for Shovel Knight. Cyber Shadow was looking to be an awesome homage and futuristic Ninja Gaiden style platformer. It finally came out and fell way below expectations. I was disappointed.

  8. Cyberpunk is a phenomenal game, the story is awesome and the gameplay is pretty damn fun. I also never had a single crash and I had a day one release on Xbox One X, which I later got a Series X and finished with that, I also bought the PC release because I heard it was the best way to play the game. I never had a crash or game breaking bug, just a couple minor ones that were easily resolved early on in the first weeks, but nothing that really broke my emersion to any great degree. Honestly, what killed my buzz was everyone else's bitching and constant shit talking when games like Fallout 76 had these kinds of releases already, I'm not one of those people who did all that bullshit Ian said, I didn't even pre-order but I knew the game looked interesting to me. Not that Fallout is an excuse but to me this game was no worse than Fallout 76 in terms of bugs, the videos I saw online were all of the same kinds of shit between the 2 games, but when Fallout happened it seemed like most people just laughed it off and this time people like HATED on the game and demanded refunds and it got pulled from stores, and people like AngryJoe were like "if you tell me you had no bugs then you're a GODDAMN LIAR"….but I honestly didn't have game breaking bugs. So, I was just like eh fuck em, if they want to be bitter I'll have fun. Sucks to be them.

  9. I have been watching your CuPodcats for quite a while. I must say I've agreed with practically everything you guys say in your Videos. Except for Ian's hatred of Double Dragon, that arcade game is great!


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