Do YOU Know HOW TO JUNGLE in SEASON 12? – League of Legends

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48 thoughts on “Do YOU Know HOW TO JUNGLE in SEASON 12? – League of Legends”

  1. the decision making at 4 min should have had another option….after you "steal the mid laners wave" what do you do when he rage ints into the enemy mid for the rest of the game lol. It only makes sense to take that farm if you have any faith in your mid's mental which in silver/gold elo you do not

  2. wtf decision making based off laners behaviour. never thought about that. Isn't this a little too advanced. I mean you got a good outcome, but who would actually act like that?

  3. 1:39 – Malzahar has ult up, so straight to mid.
    2:18 – Malzahar still has ult, so gank mid still.
    3:24 – Kha'zix isn't exactly fast at pushing from my knowledge, so I don't think he'd be able to crash, so I'd say freeze.
    3:50 – Yi is just coming back from base and I don't know where he is, so I'd not risk counterjungling. Top and mid got prio though, so Rift should be good to go.
    4:10 – Tryndamere is not diveable, so, Rift still.
    4:38 – Just farm. A single dragon isn't worth changing your entire game around.
    5:12 – If it seems the fight will drag on long enough to take mid tower down to the third plate to then drop herald, I'd do it mid, if not, counter jungle top side into dropping rift top.
    5:34 – Yi is still bot, so invade.
    6:06 – Depends on wether or not Trynd having ult. If no, dive top. If yes, keep invading.
    6:37 – Run.
    6:52 – Push top.
    7:23 – Yi has just respawned, so with smite, there should be enough time to take red before leaving.
    7:30 – Bot lane is at the enemy tower, so that can be a potential dive, but without puting the camera there, there's no way to know, so just crab.
    8:23 – Dive bot.

  4. So I should avoid short term plans that go beyond 10s into the future instead positioning myself to have the most options within the next 10s and pick my next move based on available information.

  5. I have been jungling (with mixed success) for several years now. If I have learned nothing else from these videos, it is this: I am scraping by on luck alone because I always get every damn answer to the questions wrong XD

  6. So correct me if this is a bad idea but my takeaway from this video is: To not make decisions from base and after having acted on my decision (e.g. successfully ganking) I should do the closest task (e.g. clearing enemy raptors) IF it is safe to do so and I'm not sitting on a whole heap of gold.

    Did I miss anything?

  7. Skillcapped: Do you want Pizza, cheeseburger or a bucket of chickenwings?
    Me: Ummmm.. Chickenwings
    Skillcapped: WRONG! You should have gone for the salad, it's the most sensible healthy option.

  8. at 3:40 sec he steal the waves, my mid laner would leave the game and shit their pants, Screaming at the top of their lungs with pings included lol. Then we auto lose. I have that shit happened before. lolol Always get flame for doing that.

  9. That question around 2:20 doesn't nearly give us enough information to make the right choice; how are we supposed to know from the images of 4 choices that ekko would be underlevelled AND posturing for gank asssistance?

  10. I'm a mono kha'zix player and eventho I agree with everything on the video… I think u hardly CAN win games with kha'zix if the enemy team keeps grouping… in the shown video it hardly happens, I think that is a much bright scenario than most that I face in ladder where I'm kinda forced to do aram mid or the enemy team rushes base

  11. Hi, i just wanted to say that your vids helped me a lot. By watching u for 2 months i learned so much about decision making in jg and more about my role. I climbed from silver to diamond and i wanted to ty so much. Now when i learned a lot the decsion making vids are pretty easy to me. Thank you very much!!!!

  12. First of all thanks for that great video again. Im getting more and more better watching your videos. But I can’t climb.. my mmr is fked. Even in this new season I start getting +17 and lose 20 or more. Do you or anyone here have a solution to fix the mmr?

  13. I got pretty much every single one wrong lmao. For some reason I really cannot understand jungle (adc main) even though I somehow manage to stay plat when practising the role. I wish I could though, as I feel I could climb much more consistently than with adc.

  14. The huge problem with this kind of play style is: the midlander won’t show up to rift herald after you took his wave. He died because of you, he could 2v1. Now he’s gonna spam ping you every time you will reset wolves again. That pretty much sums the whole idea of doing things while you have prio lanes.


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