Does Valorant Need A Role Queue?

In this video I discuss the idea of adding a role queue to Valorant. I talk about what a role queue is, why Valorant might benefit from one and why I think that a role queue wouldn’t work in a game like Valorant. Hope You all enjoy the video!

#valorant #rolequeue #jitterz


30 thoughts on “Does Valorant Need A Role Queue?”

  1. My way to combat the ‘too many duelists’ problem is by implementing a reward system like increased rating if you can play the lesser picked roles very good.
    For example, say you play duelist and you play more or less average so you would get +12rr or if you play good then you get +14rr,
    But if you play a lesser picked agent like viper and play more or less average you get +12rr but if you play good then you get +16rr.
    I hope i could get the point across.

  2. One reason I think role queue works in league and not valorant: you can always swap. If you had role queue (which would be more akin to champ queue like overwatch) is that you can't switch. This means if you're someone who play killjoy or cypher and queue'd up into breeze you'd basically be screwed since those characters aren't as good. Some agents are better on certain maps and some players are only comfortable playing those characters on those maps and if you were locked into a specific role you'd basically force kj/cypher players to play a character they are unfamiliar with (sage) or force them to play an agent that is weak on the map instead of letting them swap to a better character like if they enjoy viper on breeze or a duelist like yoru or reyna. As someone who played Overwatch, I have to say that this was THE reason I stopped playing comp. Some characters just were not good on some maps so times when I wanted to play roadhog I'd be stuck playing someone like junkrat or if my team needed a hitscan and I couldn't play mcree we'd be screwed because my tank player wasn't allowed to swap with me. This would playout in valorant with something like a lack of heals or flashes if you have 2 duelists that don't have flashes (jett and raze) when your sentinel would be okay swapping.

  3. roll Q was proven to be a band-aid fix that was one of the reasons OW died. the time for Queuing as certain roles would lead to matches taking longer to Que into, and removed team creativity from the factor. in the current stage of valorant, we go through metas frivolously, trying to figure out what is truly meta, and during that, one of the factors is roles. making a defined setup with no wiggle room would make the game feel completely out of the players' control for creativity, and would in my opinion just be bad for the longevity of the game.

  4. Role que for Valorant is a terrible idea. Look at Overwatch and how down the toilet the game went 15min que times for dps and repetitive predictable team compositions that made matches play out the same over and over. Seriously one of the worst decisions in competitive fps gaming history!!!

  5. The only reason i dont like about role queues is that it kills creativity like overwatch where they couldnt balance the goats meta so they just made roleq.

  6. Why do people get mad at instalock duelists but its okay when it is a sentinel. Sentinels are much harder to play imo. Set ups are easily countered if you place it on one place over and over. But controllers are the hardest to play. One smoke miss can spell the ens of a round.

  7. When going into comp you should just have 2 role icons that you choose under your name, so people can see the two roles you prefer to play, I like 5 duelist teams sometimes it’s a fun cheese game, so I don’t think locking people into only choosing certain roles is going to do any good.

  8. As an overwatch player for the love of God never ask for role queue to be added to valorant, while yes role queue fixed the goats comp that was plaguing the game it came at the cost of long queue times for dps (didn't really affect me since I'm support main) and an overall less enjoyable experience, devs should try and find ways to balance their classes to make players want to pick a diverse group rather than stranglehold them into what they believe is the best combination, the sole reason goats comp was so prevalent is bc healers had too strong of an aoe heal and tanks could nullify too much damage too easily by the time any dps champ lowed a tanks hp enough to matter they'd have their shields back at full and healers could heal them back up, it was a case of dps being undertuned and tank/support being overtuned. For valorant were seeing mainly duelist rn bc they are definitely the easiest to solo queue since you don't theoretically have to communicate with your team on top of the fact that like you mentioned you don't need utility to win games it's just highly recommended

  9. You could queue for one "class" of agent (duelist, sentinel, controller, initiator) and a "playstyle" (aggressive, utility, leader, lineups), your could leave these blank if you are a fill player. Then an optional selection of your ideal team comp, (ex: 1 aggressive duelist, 2 controllers, 1 sentinel, 1 initiator.) you would be placed in lobbies that try and emulate your team comp as closely as possible.

  10. This video is a month old so I doubt anybody will see this, but for me an ideal way to sort out things like instalock duelists, is to have a party finder system in the game. In my head it'd work that you'd choose a character you want to play in advance, say Jett, and you'd then be show a list of parties of players that don't have a jett in them. From there, it coul be that you can request to join, or you can join and be kicked. Could also have a toggle for players with or without mics, which means that every time you'd go into a match, you'd be going in with 4 other players like normal, while knowing exactly who they're going to play, and whether they communicate or not, while not having the advantage a 5 stack has of knowing they have chemistry or working well together with preplanned strats. It would remove alot of randomness from queuing into a match due to knowing who your teammates will play before you play with them, meaning that you can make sure that your team will have a comp you think's good, but still allows you to play by yourself without having to join extra discords or anything to find players. I don't know of many games that do this, and the best example I can give myself if Hypixel Skyblock's Dungeons, where before the dungeon someone joins your party and it says what role they are and their level, and you're able to not play with them if they're not a high enough level or the right role for your team. In Valorant I think you definitely shouldn't be able to see the rank of your teammates you meet through the party system in advance, but should be limited to ranks you'd normally get in a match, meaning you know they're somewhat around you're skill level but you can't be discriminate and pick someone who's right at the cap of people you can play with and the role part would be replaced with the character, but I think a party system like that would make playing solo a more enjoyable experience, without drastically increasing queue times. available parties may be low for more popular characters, but if you're playing someone who's often picked that's the price you pay, and you could always queue by yourself and be paired with a 4man squad from the party finder, the same way you can be paired with a 4man squad in discord.

    tl;dr : Party system that lets you find teammates before queueing so you know what your teammates will pick

  11. I think a role que would help in terms making the game more skill based. As in, instead of midlessy playing a duelest you would who have to flex and learn a different role to play games.

  12. dafuq are u thinking np we dont need fkin role queue this aint fking ow this is valorant and besides every agent plays the same but with different abilities valorant is balanced already ow is not so close to balance

  13. role queue would never work in valorant imo, since this is game is based more on CS GO and people couldn't care less on what role you are in high elo rank since what they want is the utility that a character has to bring in the map, also it's rare for a person to be a one trick here in Asia otherwise you would be hard stuck silver, since voice chat is prevalent here and most of the time people would request someone or say what they want their team to be focused on, especially on what map you are playing on.


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