Don't Make this Mistake Before 1.5! Inazuma Might be Just after 1.6? Genshin Impact "Game THEORY"

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38 thoughts on “Don't Make this Mistake Before 1.5! Inazuma Might be Just after 1.6? Genshin Impact "Game THEORY"”

  1. We are possibly getting Klee rerun + Canadian Japanese Aether (Kazuha) on 1.6; meaning Ludi + Inazuma prelude. Reliable leakers are predicting that we won't get Inazuma map fully in 1.6, so it's possible that from 1.7 onwards we can finally see full Inazuma banners (which has featured Inazuma 4 stars as well because 1.6 seems like it won't feature any Inazuma 4 star) and the full Inazuma map.

  2. Tbh, personally, I'm more interested in pearls being as hard to get, as crabs and crystal butterflies (meaning troublesome enough), but being completely useless.

    P.S. Seka, you can now safely talk about Inazuma coming soon-ish. It was oficially teased in stream after all with those arts and whatnot.

  3. Sekapoko I will farm them today(Monday), I know it's a 90 total resign waste but that means I will be able to spent 5 condense and 160 on the new set and that mean I will save 90 resign to farm a little extra pale flame's artifacts and that's what I really want to farm

  4. I have a "theory" that of course is just logical deduction and not any confidentiality breach, Japan has many islands, over 7000 in fact, and before we get to the main island of Inazuma, we might explore smaller islands first. Like I said, this is not based on any illegally obtained information, it's just comparing Inazuma to the country it is based on.


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