Dream VS Dunkey & Fireb0rn!

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#Twitter #Dream #Dunkey
0:00 Intro
1:36 Stream Start
4:29 Fireb0rn Video
17:04 Dunkey
18:48 Recap
20:00 Twitter Reactions


Categories N4G

21 thoughts on “Dream VS Dunkey & Fireb0rn!”

  1. When it comes to what he's been accused of, for all intents and purposes, a mod and a plug in is the same thing

    It's like saying you're not a pedophile for trying to meet a 16 year old and then saying you're actually an ephebophile. Like, yeah you're technically correct but for what you're accused of, you're arguing semantics

    Your upped drop rates are the issue, not the name for the cause of the upped drop rates

  2. God Dream is so full of it man. You honestly expect us to believe you're daft enough to submit legit speed-runs while NOT RUNNING A VANILLA CLIENT?? Seriously?
    Nah. Nah, I don't buy that for a second. You, Dream, knowingly cheated those runs. You cheated them to make more exciting streams and went ape-shit when the Speed-run community audited your run even after they MATHEMATICALLY PROVED it was cheated.

  3. ight all the comments i feel are kinda unfair atleast he did admit that something happened and didnt just swipe it under the rug like he had couldve and alot would i can respect that sure he did a bad job explaining with like fireb0rns video and dunkey but i feel he did genuienly have his heart in the right place here which is a good start

  4. I actually think the idea Keemstar was getting at is completely right.

    Instead of defending himself and playing the victim like he has continued to do, Dream needs to take responsibility. He needs to formally apologize to the people he's hurt, and the entire community. He needs to admit that he was wrong so that the internet can move on. In Keems words, "Dream needs to just take the L.". Dream's pastebin wasn't actually a confession at all, it was just him victimizing himself.

    And as CordWit and Fireb0rn pointed out, Dream is not currently of that path of responsibility. After all, if he really cared about the damage his fanbase would do to others, he would have immediately addressed this mistake 6 months ago, or at the very least as soon as possible, or he would make more of an effort.

    Hell, even Mutahar, who is more so on Dream's side then anyone else in this video, told Dream up front what should be done. Make a big video on your main channel addressing the hate. Sure, he may say it on Twitter, but he has NEVER made a genuinely sincere effort to try and fix up his wrong doings. A main channel video owning up to these mistakes and addressing his fanbase from the heart is the exact start he would need to board that path of responsibility, but unfortunately, Dream refused.

  5. This is so sad. Alexa play that Dream song.

    "I dreamed a dream of time gone by
    When views were high and runs worth running
    I dreamed my integrity would never diieeee
    I dreamed that chat would be forgiving
    Then I was mald and toxic
    And plugins were made and used and wasted
    There was no apology to be made (until it was advantageous though)
    No pastebin untweeted, no videos unposted"


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