DROPS! Esports Capsule, Icons & Emotes | League of Legends 2022 LoL Spring Season 12 LCS LEC LPL LCK

Drops are now enable on the lolesports website: https://lolesports.com

You can log in and go to schedule at the top and click on ‘today’ near the bottom

This will show you any current live games and scheduled games coming up

LCK and LPL spring split has started and LEC, LCS later

Watching a live LPL game you can see in the bottom corner that these matches are now eligible for drops

The best way to earn these drops is to leave the stream open on low quality in the background
or on another tab and you can continue playing or do something else

New esports drops for season 12. Will be available on upcoming games

Can earn a esports capsule, icons and emotes from watch rewards

#leagueoflegends #lol

English title: DROPS! Esports Capsule, Icons & Emotes | League of Legends 2022 LoL Spring Season 12 LCS LEC LPL LCK


29 thoughts on “DROPS! Esports Capsule, Icons & Emotes | League of Legends 2022 LoL Spring Season 12 LCS LEC LPL LCK”

  1. Quick tip for you guys, if wanna just leave the live open in the background choose to watch it on youtube, because if u chose to watch it on twitch everytime you alt tab and leave it in the background it will pause the game until you go into the tab again

  2. Okay so far ive watched every game after another, and some of them are actually very interesting, but i havent received any drop, neither from LPL LCK or LEC, are they still bugged or do I have to do anything else beside watching it? Are there Pop-Ups I have to keep track of?

  3. I just finished watching all 5 LCS games live and out of 5 of them the only drop I got was the last live game of C9 vs FlyQuest for the pentakill Ziggs. I want my time wasted back riot! :'( Hopefully they fix the drops for tomorrow live LCS games. Anyways keep us all updated @Matty Love Gaming!


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