Dyson Sphere Program is a GOOD simulation game between Factorio & Satisfactory – [Gamer Encounters]

Like a cross between Factorio and Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program is a new production line simulation game on an interstellar scale. Vertical building and conveyor belts allow for incredible complexity and the visuals and graphics are good too. A surprising start in early access for DSP. What do you think?

#DysonSphereProgram on Steam

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14 thoughts on “Dyson Sphere Program is a GOOD simulation game between Factorio & Satisfactory – [Gamer Encounters]”

  1. Have you been enjoying Dyson Sphere Program? This turned out way better than I expected. Looks good; sounds good; plays good. In early access now, I'm looking forward to the features they're planning to add into the game through development. Meanwhile, if you wanna check out more Gamer Encounters, here's the playlist: gamerzakh.com/encounters

  2. This is the most complete feeling early access game I have ever played. 100 hours in I have not encountered a single bug, the game didn´t crash even once and it already provides so many things to do. There are definetly aspects that need improvement, right now late game is quite tedious because of the Sorter and how they´re build, making it a bit of a pain to scale up production. And good lord, you need to scale up massively if you want to build a dyson sphere in a reasonable amount of time! Whatever the devs are planning for the future, they have build a rock solid foundation to expand upon. I´m excited and want MORE of this game!

  3. 52:20 I agree with everything you said, though you phrased it as if Factorio doesn't have the same construction mechanic (it's introduced in the midgame to alleviate the problem you've pointed out)

    In fact one of the most downloaded mods for Factorio is one that unlocks this tech from the get-go, and something tells me the devs of this game have it downloaded too. However I would not want it to be the baseline in Factorio like it is in DSP.

    Factorio is kind of awkward to play at first, and it's very much by design. You start off arduously mining, crafting, operating the machinery by hand, and when you later automate these tasks, it makes you appreciate the work you've put into the automation all the more. This is a theme that repeats across the entire game, including how you interact with its systems. You start off laying belts by hand, then you get construction bots that build things around you, and by the lategame you're not even moving anywhere, you just stand still in the center of your factory and use the map view to command your army of bots to stamp down entire sections of the factory in a blink. The goal of the game is to essentially streamline the game to a point where you're not even doing much at all, and having access to those streamlined features from the get-go would be skipping an entire chunk of that progression.

  4. Your commentary regarding conveyors building at angles surprised me a little until I realized you haven't tried Satisfactory. I had a fun time with it briefly but it felt hollow relatively quickly. Like I had little incentive to advance. I'd be curious to see you try it.

    I also found that my distaste for industrialization was far more overwhelming in Satisfactory than it was in Factorio because the game world is so gorgeous and serene. Probably says a lot more about me than it does the game. 😀

  5. In regards to building things manually in factorio, after you unlck construction robots, they are essentially the exact same as the drones in Dyson Sphere Program that go out and place the buildings for you. DSP, basically skipped righ to that part. That said, Factorio's construction robots scale up a million times more than DSP.


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