EA ACTUALLY just REVEALED this about Apex Legends… (Fans WANT Answers LOL)

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EA ACTUALLY just REVEALED this about Apex Legends… (Fans WANT Answers LOL)

JMeyels Here,
EA Revealed How much was made including how Apex Legends made them bank. But fans want answers as to where this money is going? Why have they made so much but seemingly improved so little? Let me know your thoughts down below! We also uncover some upcoming content in season 10 and 11! Let me know what your thought are on this season so far!

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0:00 Intro
1:07 EA Revealed Earning and Fans WANT Answers
4:15 Community is MAD about Apex Growing?
5:14 Rampart TownTakeover
6:03 Golden Nuggets
8:42 Outro

#JMeyels #ApexLegends


22 thoughts on “EA ACTUALLY just REVEALED this about Apex Legends… (Fans WANT Answers LOL)”

  1. When you hype a release over the top, day 1 turns into a server shit show and everyone assumes the season sucks, I’m glad they left the info to the people that want to find it instead of jamming it down people’s throats

  2. Isnt bloodhound sad because world’s edge is his homeworld and since world edge is becoming destroyed/ruined that’s what’s causing him to become sad

  3. Golden nuggest, but I'm still not optimistic about this season. I need a new map..not the 10th revamp of the same map. 80% of World's Edge is the same as last season. I'm bored. Need something more. I like the halloween event but also this is year 3….will it be much different? Or will it get old fast? I dunno man…just not as optimistic this season as you are I suppose. I also feel like the issues in Warzone are making Apex look better than it would be, if Warzone was playable

  4. Finally a positive outlook on the season, tired of pros complaining about every little thing, yeah seer is op but he's actually fun and the rampage is fun too, it actually feels like they listened to the casual part of their community for once and I love it. Hot take I think rampart is underrated, people only shit on her because they suck with their kit ( except for the sheila part, it does kind of suck as an ult ) but I'd like to see her get a slight buff, nothing too extreme.


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