Earn MILLIONS of RUBLES in the early WIPE – Escape From Tarkov Money Guide

#EFT #EscapeFromTarkov

How you can earn a lot of money / rubles right after the wipe in a very simple way. Simply by understanding the economy of the game.

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38 thoughts on “Earn MILLIONS of RUBLES in the early WIPE – Escape From Tarkov Money Guide”

  1. A counterargument to scavs slowing down progression is the pile of money you have to burn for the hideout. If you die as a PMC you lose 200-600K that could have gone into the hideout. And after the hideout is fully built, not including bitcoin 3 and air filter because of how expensive they are now, 100% of your money can go towards gear, which speeds up progression through better gear and less gear fear. I would say scavs are bad before the flea market and after the hideout if finished, but good inbetween. After the crafting money printer starts it does the job your scav does.

  2. This isn't really a money making method, the title is very misleading but none the less very valid advice. I generally scav as a warm up if it's my first time playing for the day, or whilst I'm waiting on my PMC to regen or for grabbing quest items if areas have heavy scav traffic and difficult to traverse as a PMC. I see scavs as an additional tool to aid in your PMC's progression, especially if you're down on roubles and gear.

  3. I use my Scav for one purpose: Hideout items. Often, important hideout items are overlooked on maps like Interchange and Customs, making them prime time loot zones for hideout progression no matter the time of raid. I leave the PVP and high-end looting to my PMC.

  4. My PMC and scav have about the same number of raids. both 190ish. I use my scav for fun, and loot runs. Also sometimes get some really nice items on spawning in for tasks or just good loot. Not too often my PMC spawns in or finds a labs keycard. The number of items I find in the storage units by Big Red on customs is amazing. GPU's, and all the Gas analyzers I found there this wipe.

  5. Actually a really important video, thanks man, i have the most rubles out of my group but i'm like a level or two behind in strength and endurance. I think the biggest issue is caring about survival rate, that's probably the only reason i've never 'used my pmc as a scav' but it's actually more important to level your skills than to make money in this game xD. Great video dude!

  6. It's not an 'either or' proposition. You use both to get the most out of Tarkov. As a new player you should run your Scav as much as possible, mainly to find hideout/task items and also to build up your bankroll. If you're not using your scav at all, you're doing it wrong.

  7. The real money maker is to extract camp interchange with a mp153 with 7mm buckshot, there's like +5 scav's running to the extract and if you camp the opposite extract, you train your strength heading towards the extract, and maybe you kill a lvl 30 in 2 days of the wipe, i got flea market by only extract camping 4 days

  8. I just run lighthouse with a double barrel and put any good loot in my prison wallet. Most of the stuff vendors for that same as the flee (with fees taken into account). I make anywhere from 200-500k in five minutes

  9. PMC progression really isn't important at all. I've never tried to level the skills up and it's never hindered me from having a 50+ survival rate or sitting on millions of roubles.

    Well over 50% of my money comes from scav runs. Probably more like 90%. My PMC runs are usually spent doing tasks.

  10. Scaving for me atleast is a huge money maker,huge for quest items, and usually find PMC loot or dead players that never got touched. I would still rather PMC, but I genuinely enjoy good scav fights and easy Loot 🙂 Gpod video though man, entertaining forsure.

  11. well considering that my scav more than 50% of the time (more like 75% of the time) spawns with either a labs keycard, or a key/item that sells for over 500k on the flea, ill do a quick factory in and out run with the scav.

    Easy 500k per run

  12. new to the game but just taking shit gearsets to factory with some decent ammo and then killing people with actually good gear then rinse and repeat until I die, then do a scav run to get another gearset and start it all over again.

  13. Take your scav to lighthouse, loot USEC chalet, 4 in a block flat, red house, all of the western side of water treatment and the big warehouse in the west side of the industrial compound. Loot the places I've listed in depending on your time, and exits. Just be mindful of rogues at water treatment, although if your savvy/quick enough, their dead bodies have good equipment.

    I've only played for just over a week in this wipe and I've made easily 10M+ doing this, bitcoins, graphics cards, military corrugated tube, meds, weapons, armour you name it.

  14. so this is my first wipe, i learnt how to use the hideout to create revenue by crafting grenade cases and defibs but also just running scavs on factory. yes i know its not the best map at all but you can find some awsome stuff left on bodies and in crates. over the course of 2 days i managed to get 3m+ by doing this… as a new player i think thats great but i am aware of other routes that are far better. my main reason to run factory is the extracts and they are so easy to find and learn and its super easy to extract in time, which was why i gave up on customs or reserve where you would died to pmc or bosses on the way out

  15. Scav for me has helped a lot of with overcoming “gear fear” and just fear of dying. Scavs are great for exploring the map without fear of dying/loosing good gear off your PMC. So when you know map you can go in with pmc and know 🗺


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