Eliminating games until we find the BEST video game! PART 35 #Shorts

Welcome to Date Night!

SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC87-cGX515qmiYdPX_VkIgA/about?sub_confirmation=1#socialblade
DONATE HERE: https://streamlabs.com/gamenightofficial

IF you do decide to donate, please let us know in the stream chat, that way we can make sure to thank you and give you a shout out!

Poll for our next Subscriber Stream!: https://linkto.run/p/80HCB5T1

“Usual” Schedule:
Date Night Stream – Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat after 7pm PST
TikTok Upload – Everyday at 12pm PST
Subscriber Stream – Monthly on a Sunday after 7pm PST

Twitter: https://twitter.com/D8NightYoutube
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/datenightyoutube/
Discord: https://discord.gg/F6CGYHTG
Our ZWR Profile: https://zombiesworldrecords.com/players/R05Qcm9kMWd5MjY
Our Speedrun.com Profile: https://www.speedrun.com/user/ObiWanCannoli
Our Weebly Website: https://datenightyt.weebly.com/

For any future stream or video ideas, please leave a comment below and we would be happy to try it out! We love to make content, but sometimes ideas that connect with a wider audience are hard to come across. We mostly just play through the ideas that we enjoy, however if there is something that you personally love to see on YouTube, send it our way!

If you ever want us to collaborate with somebody, please let us and that creator know! We are friendly people (sometimes) and would love to experiment with various ideas and creators.

Intro song for our videos:
Song: Jim Yosef – Firefly
Music provided by NCS Music.
NCS YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg
Jim Yosef: https://www.youtube.com/user/Jimboows

***Disclaimer! We do not own any of the music we may play during our streams. We specially use music labeled as “royalty free”, as to avoid any sort of copyright issues.***


Categories N4G

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