Elon Musk's Neuralink Monkey Plays Video Games With His Brain

#neuralink #monkeyplaying #neuralinkmonkey

Neuralink says the #monkey, named Pager, had a #chip implanted in his brain six weeks ago. In the video, he was given a joystick that was hooked up to a video #game in which he moves a cursor to a colored square. When he successfully moves the cursor, he’s given some banana smoothie through a tube.

While Pager uses the joystick, the #Neuralink chip records his brain activity and sends it back to a computer for analysis of what his brain does when he moves his hand. The joystick is then unplugged from the machine, but the monkey continues to control the game, with brain signals being relayed by the Neuralink chips.

Text Soure: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-neuralink-video-monkey-games-pong-brain-chip-2021-4


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