Every Secret Superstar Mask Removal in WWE Video Games

You were not supposed to see the wrestler under the mask

Credit: 8-Bit Universe

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1. Mask Removed in WWE Games
2. Superstar Mask Removal WWE Games
3. Wrestlelamia
4. WWE Video Games
5. Wrestling Video Games


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28 thoughts on “Every Secret Superstar Mask Removal in WWE Video Games”

  1. WWF No Mercy is so bad azz that it revealed Kane face before his actual real life in ring reveal in 2003.
    Also i think you could have removed wrestlers mask in WCW/NWO World Tour with a wrestler that had the "Eye Gouge" move for the Ground Grapple – Upper Body: Head

  2. Without a doubt Kane from WWF no mercy was the mind blowing as a kid. That was before he even actually removed his mask! And to see he had a blacked out / burned was legendary. No mercy will forever be the GOAT.

  3. is rey's face legit? i know it's been twenty years since the last time we saw him unmasked, but it looks so weird like not older but ew… no hate if it's legit , i was just not expecting it to be like it is. am I the only one that thought that?

  4. When Kane was unmasked back in 2003 after losing the title vs. mask match against Triple H on RAW, where if Kane lost to Triple H, he would be forced to unmask, which he did, I used to unmask Kane in No Mercy's create mode back then and also update his attire from his 2000 attire to his 2002-03 and his late 2003-09 attires as well.

  5. 📌 18 +


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