Everything New in Fortnite Update v18.10 Today!

Everything New in Fortnite Update v18.10 Today!

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46 thoughts on “Everything New in Fortnite Update v18.10 Today!”

  1. Pat, Another thing that I noticed is that in the loading screen for fortnitemares I saw tilted. And if you look At the new toona fish styles, one of them says 30 days and it says the same for the secret skin

  2. Hey got a theory what if the cube will combine like h said and do an explosion causing a shadow time but because the queen probs have a very strong butterfly it might bring stuff back ….

  3. I'm definitely expecting the Omega reskin to be tier 100 for Chapter 2 Season X, if they do like they did last chapter with remakes of old Battlepass skins, as well as the concept for 8-Ball wearing tech wear

  4. NEW minor UPDATE….

    With all the hype over the last week about 18.10…. I expected a lot more in this “EPIC” update! 18.10 was billed as almost a major new Season update. That missed the mark. Now, I guess we'll have to wait for the next update. FN CREATIVE, where I live the most, didn't get much either. As usual, the Fortnite YouTube news streamers, got a little overexcited with their "leaks" headlines, looking for "clicks" for their YouTube pages I guess…..


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