Evolving Champions: The Better "Infinite" Scaling? | League of Legends

Today’s video talks about Evolution in League of Legends! It’s a form of internal scaling just like Infinite Scaling but instead of gradual increase of stats, evolvers have thresholds that upon reached, provide a new set of features or a drastic increase in power! I wanted to bring up the design challenges, but also benefits of evolving champions!

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43 thoughts on “Evolving Champions: The Better "Infinite" Scaling? | League of Legends”

  1. Personally i agree with most the everything mentioned here. all except for the reworking of all infinite scaling. this is because infinite scaling puts a timer on the game, forcing people to close out games. for an example recently i've been picking up Zed and i lost a game where i was pretty fed. as a result i am focusing on how to close out games and so i have improved a lot. if to be fair it isn't only infinite scalers that put timers on games. still i think infinite scaling healthy for the game.

  2. Riot can add a mechanic like this to infinite scalers too: e.g. when Nasus hits 300 q stacks activating q gives him like a 20% move speed towards enemies. Although they will have to nerf other parts of his kit like wither etc

  3. Kai’sa evolution kinda annoys me, because unless you do a weird build you can’t evolve W. (Kai’sa is pretty weak in solo queue at the moment, perhaps making W evolution easier would be a good buff)

  4. Infinite scaling must be in the game soo the player need too learn too not leave a Nasus take 500 Stak and 3 shot all tower in top lain,
    Too not let Veigar reach min 30 of free stucking under tower but tring diveing him.
    Make your path jungle more efficent soo Kindred don't steal all your farm while become extreamly powerfull with time.

    Probably Evolution is more healthy for the game becouse I don't want getting stuck in my lain or I'll lose the lain and get overscaled by the enemy.
    But I think everything need too be in the game soo it will resault more heterogeneous and diverse.

    And please Riot just goo full crazy (pls NEVER do it) with one of the next champ and create a fusion between Shapeshifters and Evolution champ.

  5. i agree with almost every point you made until one major disagreement :
    changing all infinite scalers to internal scaler or evolving
    that would take away their magic. so long they've been like this, it's become part of them.
    despite that difference of opinion, i consider this video another one of your great quality content and for that i thank you. keep up the good work. wish you well.

  6. Two champions I would have thought had an evolution are Evelynn and Urgot (Evelynn more so). At level 6 Evelynn's demonshade now allows her to become invisible. For Urgot if he maxes his W it becomes a toggle-able ability.
    Anyway great video and I do agree with the whole reworking infinite scalers into evolvers.

  7. No problem with evolutions unless its a kaisa, kayn or a kha zix wiping my team. Other than that, much better design and clear counterplay than veigar and nasus. Hope they give all adcs evolution since the role is literally to farm and scale

  8. I like Evolution for he reasons you pretty much explained, that said i don't think they should just rework all infinite scalers. Evolution is a fun mechanic but not a band aid super solution to just slap on a champ. There are people out there, and i count myself as one of them who really enjoy the inifinte scaling mechanic. In my case i just love nuking people to smitherens with veigar after having way over 1000 ap. Thats fun.

  9. Honestly I really like this channel, dont know how I ended up here, I do play League but I didn't think I would be this interested in these types of videos. Well done!

  10. I think a level-consistent flat scaling for stats and then qualitative tool upgrades over the course of a match is the best way to go for balancing purposes. Like the hyperbolic extremity of evolutions vs scaling would be only increasing stats through levels and then items purely being tools to deal with enemies. Like if you only bought bork for the % damage and none of the stats and just gained stats by leveling like Aphelios

  11. What you said about Viktor is literally the same with Seraphine. High cooldowns, mana cost, and low damage, but as soon as she scales by leveling and buying mage items, she becomes the best waveclearer in the game and deals a ton of damage. How about for a video idea you could talk about late game scaling champions in general that aren’t infinite scalers or evolvers? Just explain to us the interesting reasons why some champions don’t need infinite scaling or evolution in their kit to become a beast late game, like Vayne, Seraphine, etc. I think that would be an interesting video to watch.

  12. Great vid! Ypu should do a video on why they cant release another champ like Ornn (or specifically a champ with a passive like Ornn that create new items in the shop.) For the longest I thought they should rework Singed into a champ that could not buy items but instead potions newly created potions that would provide temporary states while active and as he levels up, he'd have access to better potions with some really interesting affects that could cater to however they'd rework his play style. But I feel like Riot is not trying to experiment with adding items to the shop for specific champions again any time soon

  13. Would putting thresholds in addition to the infinite scaling be logical? Cho’Gath gets ability upgrades after every 3 eats or Nasus gets one after every 300 stacks? That way you still have the feeling of always getting stronger even after your upgrades halt and they can still fill that very specific niche.


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