FE2 Agility Update CHANGES THE GAME | Flood News

Anytime an update drops in Flood Escape 2 or something big happens in the community, I will make a Flood News covering it. Today I cover the new agility update in FE2 zipline and sliding, new ElectroBlast199 map Maelstrom, and a new way to glitch in the roof of the lobby.

Maelstrom ID: 1222246145

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46 thoughts on “FE2 Agility Update CHANGES THE GAME | Flood News”

  1. This update will make it so much easier for new challenges, and more content in general for FE2. Updates like this can lead to great success. This is definitely an update I consider to be good, and a right step in a good direction.

  2. This update changes everything lol new mechanics equals more versatile gameplay and gives map makers more creativity. Ziplines are really cool and sliding is nice (and glitchy) as well.

    However some of the places you see in the maps are horrible xd (for example the 2nd sliding spot in Poisonous Chasm, and the sliding spot in Abandoned Facility) (also can we talk about how Abandoned Facility looks like someone stole it and buffed it?)

    My favorite zip line is the one in Fallen (zooming above and past the whole map with multiple players is quite a sight)

  3. I know some people find this a cool and new creative aspect in the game but (different opinion here) it just doesn't fit in with the FE2 game, the point is to go fast but these new additions seem to hinder the gameplay a bit imo, make it more confusing, and it doesn't seem to fit the idea of jumping across parkour in order to escape lava. The ziplines are cool but I'm especially picking at the use of sliding… I find that feature to make the gameplay weird, more cramped, and it'll sort of slow down playing the maps a bit, including having to relearn them to master these new agility techniques. Honestly seems unnecessary but it's crazy's choice on these updates I guess

  4. This update is good and all but the thing I hate the most is the new wall jump texture. It’s just too neon and won’t fit most maps. Other than that, it’s a pretty decent update

  5. If this is added in map test (i think its added) i wish players wont use it crudelly like sliding to the death or using zipline to a tiny platform, including like getting oofed by a bunch of slides….In their builded maps.

  6. Watch some people get mad at this update even though they have literally been asking for updates.

    Ngl though, this update is really cool. My only disappointment is that I liked the old wall jumps more.

  7. removing the short cuts in fe2 is pretty harsh tho I couldnt care less about the hard ones, the only ones I really care about is btr and sinking ship shortcuts. Removing that box short cut was not cool. Now sinking ship is basically dystopia tower part. Its a pain not having that box shortcut.


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