See the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (the Oscar-winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH), FED UP will change the way you eat forever.
See the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (the Oscar-winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH), FED UP will change the way you eat forever.
George Carlin: People so fat they are walking around malls like interesting buses.
The real talk here is I think fat parents want fat kids to not feel so guilty and want to their children to relive their patterns so that they can relate and if their kid is bullied they probably feel more important in their kids lives helping them cope. That sucks.
Come on. Its simple yall. restrict calories. eat healthily. exercise. hard work. clean fuel. no excuses.
Drink alot of water & do your pushup, situps, every morning! Ride your bike, swim & sweat! Have fun! Stop drinking diet soda, aspartame is bad for you! You can do it!
The corn syrup crops are making everyone diabetic. 😔
This movie is the worst misrepresentation of everything. PROCESSED, UNNATURAL FOOD-LIKE PRODUCTS, which contains sugar, oil, and salt to become hyper palatable, work together to raise insulin, push fat into cells, and trap sugar in the bloodstream. Sugar and fat are not found together naturally in nature, regulating its palatability. However, the food industry manipulates these ingredients to make food easier to overeat. Sugar is not converted to fat unless more calories of sugar are consumed than are burned in the day. BUT, if you consume enough sugar to meet your calorie needs, AND you consume a lot of fat – that FAT is stored as fat immediately. The more simple sugars and processed carbs you eat, the more your insulin is raised, and thus the more fat that you DO eat – NOT the sugar itself – is efficiently stored in fat cells. Fat is bad because FAT blocks the UPTAKE of sugar INTO THE CELLS. We are MEANT to run on glucose – glucose is transported into the cell across a glucose transport protein and is used for energy, but INCREASED FAT IN THE DIET stops the glucose transport protein from working. This results in glucose being trapped in the blood stream, raising blood sugar levels. A low-fat diet, one ACTUALLY low in fat, does not have any fat to be stored on the body. HOWEVER, a diet of SIMPLE SUGARS is not the answer. Simple sugars like added sugars and fruit juice are also not satiating, resulting in further overeating. If a diet of low fat has only sugars like flours, added sugars, and fruit, it isn't satiating, resulting in blood sugar swings that cause hunger, and can lead to the consumption of more calories than required. In that case, the body may produce fat via de novo lipogenesis. Even though this is a metabolically taxing process, it can occur if way too many carbohydrate calories are consumed. So what are you supposed to eat? A diet of WHOLE, NATURAL, UNPROCESSED, VEGETABLES AND STARCHES, with more sugary and fatty foods like fruits, nuts, or seeds as garnishes. Starches are COMPLEX carbohydrates, which are processed slower by the body than simple sugars. They provide energy and satiety, because they have fiber, water, and glucose crosses the blood brain barrier and stop overeating. They are calorie dilute, because they fill up the stomach for a lower amount of calories than cereal, hot pockets, and junk trash food. And, a diet in low fat Whole Foods, has almost no fat to be stored on the body. A low-fat, whole food, predominantly plant based diet is the way of life for people in Blue Zones, which has the most centenarians. In scientific studies, a low fat starch-based plant-based diet is the only one where people can eat as much as they want AND lose weight – because these foods are naturally satiating and have no added fat or sugar. The food comes in its natural form, and is difficult to overeat. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, whole grains (in their intact forms, not bread or cereal), legumes, fruit, nuts, and seeds are predictive of good health and a healthy weight.
our fat children are the canary in the coal mine..a warning that eating processed foods instead of raw and fresh foods are killing us right before our eyes.
Trump why don't you eat vegetable becaus i don like em, why not bcause i don, what's the reason THE REASON IS I DON
The kids in this documentary are so well spoken and intelligent!
Me coming here after hearing that mountain dew can cause infertility: (•_•)
Guys it's ok, the machine got confused 🤣
I felt these kids struggles in March 2017 when I was 16 I started loosing weight and I was so committed and doing it, I went from 240 to 220, then I went off gained 10 pounds, I went back over the summer and lost 20 pounds and in December of 2017 I got down to 199. Then in March 2018 I went completely off the rails, in October 2019 I went to the doctor and I found out I weighed 261 pounds which was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I knew I had to change but I didn’t care, I looked my weight, even some of my XL clothes felt tight, but I made small changes and started getting exercise and I got down to 253 pounds, Then during the COVID pandemic I started caring again and I was walking around my neighborhood everyday and watching what I was eating severely, I was getting a lot of exercise at work from working 12 hours, I lost 2 to even 3 pounds a week, and I got down to 182 pounds. Yes it was a struggle did I slip up yes I did multiple times, but it was worth it in the end. It will be a life long struggle to keep it down and I often fear going back to being overweight but I am trying everyday to keep it the same.
Why do I feel this documentary is just a conspiracy theory, food companies are trying to keep us fat and easy to manipulate
as someone who is majorly into raw foods and true health, mentally and physically… the people on here saying choosing the leaner options and only looking at the front of the product, or if they do look at the nutrition label, they only look at the grams of fat… is probably one of the most annoying things ive ever watched lmao. here are some tips for yall:
1- do cardio AND lift weights. it wont make you bulky, liftin gains muscle which increases your metabolism and burns calories the hours AFTER the workout, and cardio burns calories DURING the workout.
2- CHOOSE WHOLE FOODS !!! dont listen to every freaking boxed label, stay on the outer perimeter of a grocery store, that is where the majority of the whole foods are. stick to chicken and turkey, limit red meats and anything uber fatty or anything that is normally made in pretty unhealthy ways.
3- buy frozen 🙂 veggies, fruit, etc. avoid "Healthy" frozen proteins, look at the nutrition label… the less ingredients the better
4- avoid most sugars and salts. the less processed foods you eat, the more you can salt your whole foods. when i tell you a mcdonalds serving of fries has over three days of sodium, you can easily salt brocolli and chicken breast to your liking and be well under your daily intake
5- focus on protein. if you workout, aim for 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight. this curbs hunger and overall helps with mood, performance, and muscle building
6- track macros and calories. for me, once i hit my protein goals, i usually dont reach my calorie goal. it satiates me enough where i dont even need to eat an excess afterwards.
okay thats all. obviously everyone is different, but dont shy away from the facts. and no, you dont have to avoid processed foods, but try to limit them for health or make homemade healthier options.
main takeaway:
calories, macros, protein, fiber, cardio, lifting, perimeter of grocery store, ignore big eyecatching labels, study nutrition labels, be freaking happy, and you will in the end save money and live a happy healthy life.
Mcdonalds puts poision in their food
Well made. I like it.
Greed is a sick virus
Ya now you can see how this and many other things influence behavior, how much more brainwashing do we have… think about it, what actual reality do we live in
We should discuss fluoride in water too
The reality of irony when someone is wearing a mask in the cereal aisle.
Sugar, seed oils like canola, vegetable, corn and soybean oil are all highly inflammatory. Bread, pasta and potatoes are all no no’s!! All processed foods pretty much are full of sugar, carbs and seed oils. If it comes in a box and has a shelf life of over a month you probably shouldn’t eat it.
Thank you Katie Couric. Eisenhower warned of the "Military Industrial Complex". Well, this is even worse. This is the "Political Industrial Complex". In my opinion. it is criminal that it is even necessary to have to politicize Food, simply to protect out children. It should be a given that protection of the future generation (s), is first in everyone's mind. We go about screaming that Health Care is a right and not a privilege. Well yes, it is a right to have a health system in place, that is prepared to step in when necessary, without bankrupting the patient, but it is completely absurd that a government is in bed with industries, which are deliberately and consciously creating an unhealthy population, that our health industry cannot keep up with, already from the most tender age, simply to satisfy their bottom line. Life is short enough, we don't need to make it any shorter or painful for our children.
Covid economy devastation will reduce obesity through necessity.
katie couric, how to be a liberal busybody! what about stupid news people? is there a cure?
It’s the food! Or the stuff some people call food.
How can you make processed food better? Quit processing it.
Ronald McDonald has got to go.
I remember when I used to think lean pockets were “healthy”…smh.
Low fat is actually worse… cuz they fill it w sugar for taste… dont but fat free shit🤣
I'm disturbed reading many of the comments on this video. Many people are demonizing carbs when they should be demonizing processed carbs. Looking at what centenarians eat, the people who live the longest in the world, they tend to eat high carb, low fat diets focused on beans, grains, fruits, and vegetables. The whole food plant based diet has been proven to prolong life and improve quality of life in old age better than any other diet.
What’s this? The WHO wrong?
If it farts and has a mama DON’t EAT IT!!!!! Plant based y’all!!
Things will never be the same. The bull💩is so polarizing in politics these days.
Eat more exercise more
I don't think it's the food. It's the American lifestyle. The economy is turning everyone into hermits. A lot of people will be super athletic in school. As soon as they hit the workforce they start turning into a fat piece of shit. Corporate greed, plus feminism etc. The home is broken. Nobody at home prepping meals. Food portions at restaurants getting too damn big because we want to justify the hard-earned money we spend so it takes more and more to satisfy our hunger. More and more people lacking a social life. The career is too important because we're getting priced out of everything. We work, eat shit, sleep and repeat. Got to a wealthy neighborhood and count the fat people vs poor neighborhoods. It's because they can afford to enjoy other hobbies besides being a foodie. And if you're fat or ugly you're less likely to make enough money. all the things combined create depression and that only makes you more unhealthy. and being unhealthy makes you more depressed, and you get even more unhealthy. This is compound fuckery at work. I don't blame any food at all. Our economy is driving our lifestyle to shit.
Dont let your kids have soda. Period.
Great film and more proof that as Will Rogers told us in 1935, "Anyone who trusts the Federal Government to take care of us, should look at how they care for the American Indians."
The lunches fed to our children by the school system is disgusting.
These parents are still eating processed junk food (ex. Boxed cereal packed with unhealthy sugar). You have to shop in the other aisles (produce) of the supermarket.
Thank God this little girl could not join weight watchers as it is only yo-yo dieting.
The little boy is not losing weight as he is still eating junk food (ex. Chips, boxed cereal, lean tostinos). Lean is actually WORST than the regular one as the "Lean" consist of man-made lab products. Complete poisons. Only fruits and produce will heal.
If you want your family to eat cereal then make it oats with fruit. Oats cooked with a little water and a banana (replaces sugar) is delicious.
Also, mom needs to set an example. Eating better is a family lifestyle.
Comments as: "You don't have any control over it" makes NO sense. If the parents don't buy junk food, the kids cannot eat it because it's not availble at home.
Once you eat healthy (fruits and veggies) you eventually will not crave the junk food as the body detoxes.
I love this country (not)
and here i am sitting here and eating chocolate chips while watching this vid lol
It's our financial system, who orchestrates what happens world wild, our politicians are the puppets.
There's a war going on between fast and easy food industry and the vegitables and fruit industry, it cost a lot to eat healthy. It's class warfare.
Tubby time
I think the problem goes back to free speech. Phrases like "Hey chubbyfatass" is now a hate crime. For the critics: I was born in the '60s, I earned my "few extra pounds".