Firearms Expert Reacts To Cyberpunk 2077’s Guns

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Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down the weaponry of Cyberpunk 2077 and tries to figure out how the guns might work in real life.

Cyberpunk 2077 may be set in an alternate sci-fi future, but it’s still armed to the teeth with a load of fictional sci-fi weaponry: guns that have taken inspiration from real-world sources.

In the above video, Jonathan Ferguson–a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries–breaks down the guns of Cyberpunk 2077 and compares them to their potential real-world counterparts.

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26 thoughts on “Firearms Expert Reacts To Cyberpunk 2077’s Guns”

  1. came here just to dislike the vid. maybe pick a game that prides itself on realism next time, like tarkov. oh wait thats not clickbait thoooooooo………………..

  2. The Ajax has two really massive design elements that makes me scratch my head.
    One, the magazine angle is ridiculously tilted, making feeding jams way more likely (if it could even feed at all), and two, couple that with the trigger group being too high up, as in the trigger group is in the way of the bolt carrier and on the same axis as the barrel while being directly behind the mag well.

    I'm pretty sure the developers have no idea how guns work beyond "Small magic box goes in big magic box, bullets come out magic cylinder by pressing trigger."

  3. I knew the bullpup designs in this game seem like utter bullshit with the mag so far back, but I was surprised to hear a Russian prototype actually used such a configuration. Note that it's a prototype, and by the looks of things, never panned out. I'd guess largely in part to bullpups looking cool and being good on paper, but in practice, they are terrible in many ways. One of which is case ejection and the clumsiness of reloading at the stock rather than up near your hand. Plus, you have a more complex trigger mechanism, and reliability issues. There's a good reason why most prevalent modern firearms have the mag forward of the trigger group. If bullpup was so great, that's what everyone would be using. Instead, IRL, we see the AR and AK platforms dominate the intermediate rifle cartridge scene. It works, it works very well, and that's what you want in a life and liberty weapon.

  4. I want the first pattern FG42 on the table. The H&K slap isn't so important for the UMP as it isn't roller delayed or locked. In the MP5 roller delayed and G3 roller locked it is more important as the bolt needs a bit of extra momentum to go into battery reliably. If you ease the bolt home it wont go into battery as the bolt doesn't have the force to push out the rollers.

  5. 6:12 my brain instantly said GALIL when it saw that gun, but looking at it I couldn't really put my finger on it, why is it doing this so often, associating things by itself without letting me know why, please help, this is really annoying


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