First Impressions with Shadowlands

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Sorry for the lack of videos guys! Had my phones microphone break and I had to get a new one after exhausting all other possible fixes, hopefully it’s a quality upgrade too 😀


44 thoughts on “First Impressions with Shadowlands”

  1. This is a fun expansion. I had a lot of fun leveling and following the story. The first time I popped was seeing Baroness Vasj and thinking it was cool that she was on our side. Getting thrown into the fighting pit at the start of Maldraxxus was very cool too lol It feels like Blizzard thought, "What would be cool and fun?" instead of "What do we have to do?" when they were making the content.

  2. after the rep grind in bfa for allied races i was very hesitant to even bother coming back. but so far im pleasantly surprised by shadowlands. it feels like whoever was running the show in bfa got replaced or something. the number and level squash feels very good,leveling is ridiculously fast (you can basically get a fresh character to 60 in a day if you really want)

    feels like blizz is starting to realize what retail wow is- its not a magical leveling experience like classic,its something else now. its getting to max level and farming time gated mounts/cosmetics.

    im not a fan of time gating and i hope i see it gone from wow some day because the way i see it, time gating is literally blizz just farming more subs. because thats really what it is. but whatever,the expansions still good and overall even when youre time gated out of everything you can still do SOMETHING

  3. feels like a empty can of tuna fish and smells like it too ! Nothing short of same ole daily grinds ( covenant quests) Farming mats, Pvping, Mythic + and a raid. nothing stands out or changes the game any. if you have played wow in tbc, wotlk, cata, mop , bfa , legion etc… its all the same at end game

  4. I’m new to wow. I love it so far. I watch you on Twitch and oh boy you have me scared to raid etc..The way you talk to people etc. I’m assuming that it’s your persona on stream because your YouTube videos are completely different. You seem like a chill and nice guy. Is your twitch channel a character you are playing? I’m genuinely curious because I enjoy your YouTube videos but Twitch being a new player idk if I should continue to watch. It’s a bit intimidating as a noob lol.

  5. i think the engagement matrix driven decisions that are beeing made in wow – are holing it back – once classic Bc comes out, I am leaving this clusterfuck 😉
    so far i liked this addon but there is no way this addon keeps me happy .. it might keep me busy 24/7 but i dislike that

  6. I dont really see the "you can do whatever you want" ive been hearing, dont I have to do more m+ now to get to pick an item that might be an upgrade than i did before? dont I have to do rated pvp now to get pvp gear which is almost the same ? Im not looking for an argument, i just dont see why this system is any better. Removing TF and adding sockets that you can buy is a completely separate change to this. So what is actually better now ? I refunded the game because the whole mid-high keys m+ gearing into casual pvp feels gimped which is how i played after quitting CE raiding
    EDIT: and taking away AP, which I ignored in BFA whenever I played, I was still able to gear 4 characters to a mythic level playing 1-3 times a week

  7. Hello brother, this is a comment to give my respect to you.
    I was watching videos of you about wow every now and then, but never took you seriously, i always looked you as just another insecure gamer who escapes reality to find confort in games like most of us mortals.
    Things changed after i watched your video Why i live a simple life, which in my opinion is the best and most positive impacting record you have ever made.
    So, not sure if i call you Zack or Asmon, i just happened to learn you have a real name when i opened this personal channel.
    You see I don't often write comments and when i do it is usually to show my gratitude to an aware being behind a human face sharing valuable knowledge on the internet.
    Even though you are so indorced in virtual reality – wow in particular, you are full of worth as a person and it is actually therapeutical watching how authentic you are. But most importantly, your words come from a place of love and peace towards everyone, even though their forms are not necessarily always soft and easy.
    In today's world full of so many headless chickens including myself, people like you deserve a shout out. The only reason i desided to write to you is out of respect to your courage to be who you are.
    Thank you for the lessons about life.
    We are all work in progress, hope to make your mood brighter!
    Have a wonderful day my brother!

  8. i dont know how every one fails to see that the amount of grind has tippled – the anima (aka azerothian dust), renown, maw stygia, torgast dust, and etc. All of which are too grindy, and mandatory, because after each of the ones i listed atleast, hides an important power upgrade for your character. like anima, locks your renown, where renown is your extra abilities for character and slots, stygia is the sockets, torgast is legendaries.


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