Flex Picks: Should They Be Allowed? | League of Legends

For many champions, they’re only played effectively in one role: Top, Jungle, Mid, Bot(ADC) and Support. But a small number of them are able to go into two or three roles with equal success. Those champions are called Flex Picks. Today I want to talk about whether or not it’s fair for some champions to have that privilege in League of Legends.

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#LoL #Flex #Picks


47 thoughts on “Flex Picks: Should They Be Allowed? | League of Legends”

  1. One of the best quotes I've ever heard when it comes to game design comes from Extra Credits.

    "If given the chance, players will optimize the fun out of your game". It is the devs job to make sure that optimal is fun because if they are in dissonance, your game will never be fun.

  2. I think that a champ being decently viable in 2 or 3 roles is fine. I know League players hate DOTA comparisons but a big reason why DOTA is so much fun is because of how diverse the heroes (champions) are, and how even some supports can be built as carries if allowed to farm. I mean, you never see a Crystal Maiden carry but a Witch Doctor with Aghanim's Scepter is really scary.
    The problem arises when a champ can be fielded in 4 roles. Someone like Graves being viable in every role except support is a problem because it makes it too hard to reliably counterpick or adjust your strategy in pre-game with Runes and the likes.
    There's also an obvious problem when a champ is suddenly drafted in a lane where they don't belong as that's usually the result of a broken buff to something. As much as people complain about Zed and Talon jungle that's intentional (for better or worse), but a champ suddenly being viable in a role they don't usually play typically means the champ is busted as a whole.

  3. Flex picks is just another example of an issue I think league has. It's making special qualities too normal. Not every champion should be able to heal a shit ton, or one-shot. Or be flexed. It should be a unique quality that draws ppl to the champ.

  4. The big issue with flex picks and champion diversity is that the ones riot keep forcing into flex picks are the ones that are already insanely popular. You see a yasuo probably 1 in 3 games talon and zed probably like 1 in 4 games. I don't mind playing against them but at the same time if your trying to promote champion diversity maybe don't do it with the most popular champions in the game. I would love to see them do more work on garen jungle, cho jungle, nasus jungle, or say ornn jungle instead of talon who most junglers see as an abomination due to how absurdly strong he is and mobile. You want champion diversity it needs to be on lower percentage played champions.

  5. TLDW Answer (Imma watch it but Im asnwering the underlying question upfront) Flex Picks should be allowed clearly, but champions should be BALANCED around their INTENDED ROLE ONLY. Dont give arbitrary buffs to 'strengthen' their off role performance.

    Also Nerf Lux Support into the ground.

  6. I do love ke the change of zed/talon/qiyana in Jungle. I played qiyana jungle before and now it's actually much more viable. It also just feels like the assassin's work well in jungle better anyway. Graves is broken tho

  7. Flex pick in themselves are fine. Different builds for champs are fine. Problems comes when the champ itself is so op that you could virtually anything with it and still find success. Remember on hit neeko? Build anything, go anywhere, dominate. Irelia on mid is bad because usual midlanders could not do anything about her on lane. Etc etc

  8. I love flex picks almost as much as I do off- meta picks. Nothing I love more than going Hybrid jhin top, Katarina ADC, Aphelios top, Qiyana support, Aatrox jungle, full tank katarina, bruiser pyke etc. If anyone has any suggestions for fun off-meta picks or builds please let me know!

  9. flex like yasuo is fine has he plays differently from each role and he himself needs skill and is fun to watch and u can punish him i think the problem is when they are great in many roles with low time invested

  10. Flex picks can be fun as long as riot doesn’t feel like they have to keep the champ relevant in what ever roll they flex to and can nuke it out of existence at any time… like they should do to all these degen junglers that have been flexed from mid xD

  11. never been a fan of designing the game for a specific meta, 1-1-2 came about naturally and there is no need to force that status quo with design, it will still be the best idea if the individual champions and items are balanced.

  12. As a rule of thumb, I think flex picks should be incetivized by riot PRIMARILY to increase pick rate.
    And removed, to reduce it.
    Champions who are played too often should lose flexibility of being picked in other lanes and those who are played rarily should gain flexibility.

    The other thing I think should just be the default: Every champion should have at least 2 places where they can shine. I hate how many junglers for instance have such high mana costs that laning with them is hard.
    Or immobile champions not being allowed basically anywhere.

  13. I was mostly a top and jung player back when I started way back, but I am more used to the champs that are now considered mostly adc and support, though I do run some of them back in top and jung on occasion as while they aren't the strongest in their past roles anymore, some of them can still fulfill those roles if played properly.


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