FNF Fight or Flight But It's Roblox Youtuber (COVER)

it’s seem like yall really want to see this song cover so much 💀
character list:
john roblox as starved
flamingo/albert as tails
FNF Vs Sonic.exe 3.0 – Fight or Flight OST (Official Starved Song)


My Chromatic scales:

FLP by: RogtaryMusic
Thanks For Watching 😀

#roblox #fridaynightfunkin


43 thoughts on “FNF Fight or Flight But It's Roblox Youtuber (COVER)”

  1. you should do miller (Ourple guy)
    Flamingo as orange guy
    John as Purple guy
    Koneko as Puppet
    Kreek as Phone guy 1
    Denis as phone guy 2
    and the big bad pink guy could probably be john doe or something idk lol

  2. Merhaba. Şook. (Bu mesaj, gizli birinin mesajıdır. ( İslam aslında çok rahat. hem teknoji hem ulaşım çağında olmamıza rağmen, alimler islamdaki gereken hükümleri vermiyor. Geçmişte böyle teknoji ulaşım ve rahatlık olmamasına rağmen alimler islamda daha çok gereken hükümleri veriyordular. Bu çağda İslam'da gereken hükümler verilmediği için İslam yayılmıyor, üstelik teknoloji çağında olmamıza rağmen. Eskiden ulaşım ve teknoloji yokken bile İslam hızla yayıyılıyordu demi. Yani aslında Gereken hükümler verilseydi bu çağda İslamı yaşamak çok kolaydı. İslam insanlara zor göründüğü için kimse müslüman olmuyor demi. Müslümanlar böyle uyumaya devam etsinler, bakalım diğer tarafta ne hesap verecekler. Bu çağda İyi insanlar ve alimler kötü, kötü insanlar ve alimler iyi biliniyor. Tamda hadislerde anlatıldığı gibi. Bukadar kıyamet alameti gerçekleşti. Boşunamı Peygamberimiz ahir zamanda uyanık olun dedi. Bu mesajı zincirleme Herkese söylemeliyiz. .

  3. In a crazy time line: John Roblox has ran out of protein, but found out human was the ingredient, so he went out looking for humans, including YouTubers.
    Flamingo was looking for kreekcraft, but found his corpse and staved John Roblox.
    And for prey, Tanqr was being chase by John roblox and his MONKE

  4. Albert realizes his friends has been missing for a while and goes to investigate, with his exploits and such, if he needs them at all. Suddenly he reaches an area where his exploits have suddenly been disabled, he is puzzled but continues to search for his friends. He makes it to a building and see some of his friends oofed on the ground as their avatar limbs are scattered on the ground. He trembles in fear and sees John Roblox laughing at Albert's ded friends. Albert then arms himself with the only weapon he could find..which is also a weapon he is most skilled with..A sword. "Will you fight or flight?" Albert says in his head as he battles John Roblox with his only weapon. The Powerless Exploiter VS The Skilled.
    (I just had this mind and just wanted to share :p, make it better than mine if you want, this was just a lil idea I had in my mind)


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