Fnf react to Sonic.exe 3.0 cancelled build mod part 1! (Gacha club)

My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VTDQBSAA

#fnf #gachafnf #fnfreacts #fridaynightfunkin #gachaclubreacts #gachaclub

link to the music used in the video: https://youtu.be/6lvyX-1IeYM

link to the clip used for the video: https://youtu.be/9fOvQNRwMpE


15 thoughts on “Fnf react to Sonic.exe 3.0 cancelled build mod part 1! (Gacha club)”

  1. Honestly doran..the fanmade version of this mod gave me a better sprite….just saying. Oh yeah and at 25:35 that is Starved eggman. Who actually is one of the most deadliest characters in this mod. For he is an eggman who can actually control time itself. He's eaten the likes of sonic and amy and eventually has to fight tails. I have a lot more information on this mod too btw if anyone else is interested

  2. That was a great reaction vid but can I suggest for the next part fleetway or sunky gets replaced by a different character? Just to see how they would react.
    Also from 15:58 to 16:05 – Did Fleetway get amnesia? He knows Tails doll as expressed in Everyone Sings part 6, but now has no clue who he is? What happened there?


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