FNF VS Impostor V4 THE SERIES Episode 6.5 (READ DESC. PLS)

Ok, so ik that many of you are waiting for episode 7, and think that it will be soon….well actually no…
I want to make episode 7 much longer than others, so I need more time, BUT as expected, I lost my motivation, no I won’t cancel it, ik you are waiting for it very much, I wrote the plot of it already and animation only left, but idk why, I am doing EVERYTHING but animating episode 7
So shortly: I lost my motivation to do it, but I will still be doing it, only it will take way more time

Why episode 6.5? I need to post smth so my auditory won’t leave, and episode will intrigue it :/


24 thoughts on “FNF VS Impostor V4 THE SERIES Episode 6.5 (READ DESC. PLS)”

  1. it’s okay, don’t rush bro, it’ll make the last episode only better. Also… AM I THE ONLY ONE SEEING THAT BLACK AND HIS PARASITE/VIRUS ARE DIFFERENT PPL IN THISE SERIES?

  2. this is an intersting lore for black instead of the parsite controlling ever its like 2 souls in 1 i like it,dont rush..i wont rush you😊

    sounds sus ngl

  3. @Fatal cube I was trying to install another app on my phone but I needed to delete some apps and while I was doing that I accidentally deleted Dc2 so I came to the person who inpired me to animate, is there any chance I can get my stuff back again?


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