FNF Wednesday infidelity Part 2 Update Extra – Leak Ma Balls (FC) (4k)

Lmao, they just jabbed straight back at the leakers. I love the animations in this and just everything in general. And hearing Mickey curse is a plus



35 thoughts on “FNF Wednesday infidelity Part 2 Update Extra – Leak Ma Balls (FC) (4k)”

  1. I love how the devs made fun of the leakers,not only that,but I just love that Mickey put his depression aside to deal with the leakers out of spite,I also love how even the demon that tried to tortures him is on his side lol,Love the cursing too.

  2. Transcript: (thanks to Kirb-Crew from the OST upload comments for the transcript, I added the ending part btw)

    (Section 1):

    Mickey: What is that???

    Devil: Humans; specifically leakers. A race far below humanity. Their only motivation that keeps them alive and still existing in this reality is to be a pest! One of the worst existing blots of modern society!

    Mickey: Yo, leakers! That’s why you’re straight built like an r/niceguys lookin’ “Awww, my waifu is gonna love me even though she looks like a f-king 10-year-old, but it’s okay, because she’s, like, 500 years old!”

    Section 2:

    Mickey: Please. Please just send them away from us! Murder them! F-king… anything! Why am I ranting? I don’t know. I should’ve ended this a LONG time ago. F-k, that rhymed!


    Oswald: (tries to pull the trigger on himself, ended up shooting the leakers)
    Oswald: F*ck! I missed again!

  3. Oswald is definitly the funniest character in this mod.
    i mean when he shot the leakers his reaction killed me.
    also that line i kinda don't get. He missed. Again. I mean sure. In untold lonliness he didn't kill himself. But he still shot his eye out. So the way i see it. That doesn't count as missing. Didn't hit the brain but still shot his eye.


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