Fortnite Except my SKIN decides my weapons

Today my skin will decide what weapons I use in Fortnite. Yes. Very cool

Use code tomato because its a very cool code (epic partner)
Music from epidemicsound


29 thoughts on “Fortnite Except my SKIN decides my weapons”

  1. Challenge:you can only use special chests no regular chest those metal chests io chests that stuff fishing loot is allowed and heals from regular chest is allowed also you canโ€™t use blue green and common weapons blue and green and common heals are allowed tho please do this challenge Iโ€™m a fan make sure to follow the rules only blue floor loot is allowed stuff like legendary shockwave and new mythic is also allowed just not green common floor but blue floor loot is allowed also no taking loot from other people are more important rules hopefully you do this




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