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39 thoughts on “Fortnite SEASON 8 STORY EXPLAINED!”

  1. NO NO NO…. The aliens ARE NOT EVIL…Sloan is fooling everyone.. The aliens came here to save the foundation.. He got thrown into the ocean When SLOAN blew up The beam they were trying to pick him up with.. They were going to free him from the zero point.. And the reason JONESY Is a cow is that he is supposed to meet up with him again.. So he dressed as a cow cuz aliens abduct Cows.. Thinking that the foundation is in the mothership so he can meet up with him.. Remember the foundation is from space.. He is an Alien.. So the mothership circled the coast all the time looking for the foundation to try and find and save him.. They are going to destroy the island because the IO has everyone trapped in A CONSTANT LOOP REMEMBER? THE ALIENS WANT TO STOP THE IO from enslaving us .AND ROOK AND AGENT JONES will help the foundation dispose of the EVIL Dr Sloan and her tyranny..

  2. If the foundations going to come as a skin maybe he would have a synced emote that would be try to punch another person but the other person Dodges both punches if he would grab them and headbutt them and kick them to the ground that's what happened to Jonesy in the season 6 trailer

  3. please pin this everyone needs to hear this that bunker was where imposter mode was if you look at slones Npc page it says the name of the bunker and it’s says her job is to protect the bunker and I think since she’s job is to protect the zero point but if the mother ship has that zero point then what has all that power? The cube but idk if the zero point is or isn’t in the mother ship idk but once it falls down every thing that’s contained it probably will come out

  4. Both the Imagined Order and the Kymera Mothership are using Cube crystals for power. That's why both groups are corrupted on a cosmic/mystical level. Kymera alien artifacts and ships glow purple. The purple "alien artifacts" spheres we had to collect in Ch2S7 Week 12's quest for Dr Slone to power the "IO Countermeasures Device" (the bomb) under Corny Complex, those spheres were covered in Cube runes! The I.O. use cube crystals in their dimensional bridge construct, and (in the Batman Zero comic, if that is canon or not) they use the Storm to manipulate Loopers' memories.

    The Cube created Corruption Zones when it printed its runes across the Island, from which later sprang purple crystals and monsters. The Cube was written into Island reality by a purple lightning bolt through the sky rift, the same purple lightning thrown around by the Storm King and the bolt that hit Midas' Stormbreaker device; a bolt which may have been sent by Dr Slone to stop Midas from "destabilizing" the Status Quo of the Island that the I.O. prefered. Agent Jones complained about "things not being stable here" in his GHOST Agency(!) office during the Device Event visions. (Which seems to have been later rewritten to have been an I.O. facility all along in Ch2S5, so did Midas work with the I.O. or was part of them all along and then went rogue? Worse, the Impostors LTM added ALTER/SHADOW logos from Ch2S1 Chaos Agent's loading screen to the Loop Control room. At least that could make sense, as the Ch2S2 trailer showed Lynx working for Midas and being hunted by proto I.O. guards with the same body model as Ch2S5's I.O. guards, and ALTER/SHADOW were opponents of EGO/GHOST by early Chapter 2, even though the First Shadows promo now claims Midas in the past also founded SHADOW.)

    But when Midas' DEvice successfully banished the Storm off the Island and created a Storm Shield (until sabotaged), things sure seemed stable on the Island! In fact, we saw the same rainbows and butterflies and heard the same peaceful tranquil music as after the end of the Butterfly event, when the Zero Point's rift butterfly had banished the Cube and the Cube had leaked its energy into the sky and then imploded.

    The Storm and the Storm King are is physical manifestations of the corruption that happened to the Zero Point at some point in the past… presumably during the Primal era when the Spire was formed by the Spire Guardians to venerate the Zero Point or access its power. But DC's Raven told us in Ch2S6 that the Spire and its guardian towers were places of corruption and spreading that corruption across the land, while Jonesy the First warned us the Spire was powerful and would corrupt people by unleashing their darkest impulses, and we should not let the Spire corrupt anyone truly powerful. And Raz got corrupted and split into a very confused glowing "rift ghost" (like Bunker Jonesy) and purple insane Glypthmaster Raz.

    Conclusion: The Spire Guardians, the Imagined Order, and the Kymera are all corrupted by the same power or cosmic entity which created the Cube and presumably corrupted the Zero Point so that it is unstable. Is that the "Last Reality"?
    Everyone wants to control the Zero Point's power… or in Galactus' case absorb it.

    The only person who didn't, ironically, was Midas, the Mastermind everyone seems to think is greedy for power and who seems to have been power-hungry in the past (as per the First Shadows promo). But at some point in the past, he changed. He founded GHOST. What happened? We're not told, because Mustard has no interest to spend time on detailed backstories for past battle pass characters who have already done their season plot.

    But I have my suspicion that the orb atop the Stormbreaker Device, the orb that was filled with golden(!) and green energy, was Midas' attempt to create his own, uncorrupted Zero Point to "overwrite" the corruption, at least in a radius that covered the Island. The runes that the Cube had printed into the very soil of the Island, in a pattern, had drawn energy from the ground, but also corrupted the soil. Midas tried to run the equivalent of an antivirus program on the physical programmable Island reality. Most likely that would have severed the I.O. bridge's connection, as the I.O. bridge uses Cube crystals.

    Then there is this whole "the Light vs the Shadow" theme with Midas, and the sun/light/flower motif connected to his Golden Touch via Oro and Orelia. Orelia's loading screen mentions that "light will turn to shadows" if a sacred duty to protect the sacred gold from the greedy is broken and the price is not paid. Ironically, "greed" was Oro's theme (and the name of Oro's weapon wrap) while Midas's theme was "revenge". Revenge on whom?
    There's a whole lot of "revenge" and "vengeance" going on with lots of skins. The Tempest skin from Chapter 1's Raging Storm set, which looks like a sleeker scifi version of Midas's Steampunk Cyclo storm-protection suit, has a tagline that reads "Consumed by the storm. Back for revenge." Tempest even had his own Season 9 loading screen, showing him in front of Neo-Tilted's Slipstream hoops. Hello, Epic, can we get some backstory there? No?


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