Friday Night Funkin' cover Triple Trouble – Mid Fight Masses (Ft. Taki)

After a few weeks I was finally able to make the concept a reality, I really loved the results.

everything (except the song) is new, many things to see, the reason why I do another cover of Triple Trouble is because I promised in the previous video with the concept that I would finish it.

I hope you understand that my team and I are doing our best to deliver very good content.

With this I can say goodbye to Triple Trouble, which is one of my favorite songs.

Audi:… – Gameplay.

Rasazy Chromatic by @Roller Lhite.


28 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin' cover Triple Trouble – Mid Fight Masses (Ft. Taki)”

  1. I just the love the sprites designs, they perfectly illustrate the tone and mood of the song, I also like how ruv and selever’s ones represent the supposed reanimated bodies that taki slaughtered and like how their rap battling her as to extract revenge among her. However, the thing i like about this cover the most is how taki is afraid, which is quite ironic, since she gives the other characters fear, she is a serial killer after all, so it feels like the spirits of her victims are rising from the dead wanting to do the same as she did to them, hence why theirs no chainsaw, possibly meaning they destroyed it, her chainsaw could also symbolize her source of power, with it, she’s powerful, without she’s powerless. Another thing I wanna point out is I like during ruv’s part when taki laughs, she appears with her chainsaw, it’s like deep down she’s seeking hope and using her imagination to regain power without the tool for it.


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