Friday Night Funkin' – Perfect Combo – FNF Ft. Sans Mod + Cutscenes & Extras [HARD]

God, what an absolutely AMAZING mod, I didn’t expect to wake up to something like this today, but MAN what a good start of the day! It was just an absolutely crazy experience, LOVED everything about this mod!! All the cutscenes and art just look so damn wonderful, I especially loved how that intro looked, amazing animation that gives a super good first impression for the mod! And then all these different sprites and animations in the game, MAN they’re all so cool looking, I love the artstyle they went with for all the characters, super unique looking Sans and Papyrus that were just sooo fun to watch sing! And then there’s all these absolutely INCREDIBLE songs back to back, I swear there’s not a single even mediocre one in this mod!! And that absolutely incredible gimmick in Promise that was SOOO fun to play through, it’s just such a cool mod all around, had a lot of fun editing the video for that one song as well hehe. Not sure what the secret song is about not gonna lie, it kind of reminds me of Horrortale, but I’m not sure! Genuinely amazing experience, loved every second of it! Hope you guys enjoy!
Link to mod:

0:00 – Prologue
1:11 – On Break
3:36 – Layback
5:49 – Promise
8:50 – Puzzling
12:27 – Ominous

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Channel Info:
This channel consists of videos about modifications to a rhythmic video game (some of which I personally worked on) that range from slightly difficult to very hard for most players. Four arrows fly towards the screen forcing you to press them at the right time to the music. Hitting all the arrows in a song counts as a “Full Combo”, which is very hard to do and takes a lot of time and practice to be able to do consistently and is the main gimmick of my channel, which I showcase in each video. I also include secrets and extra content that might’ve been undiscovered and show them off through instructional and entertaining ways that can be used as guides, as well as occasionally adding my own input on things happening in the video, all done through my creative editing style that focuses on being concise and transformative. In the descriptions I give my in-depth opinion on the video game as well as timestamps for each part of the video. All the videos were played, recorded and edited by me. #FridayNightFunkin #FNF #Flippy #papyrus #undertale #deltarune #sans #ftsans


25 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin' – Perfect Combo – FNF Ft. Sans Mod + Cutscenes & Extras [HARD]”

  1. The last song is a reference to a fake undertale character named “Prunsel” that someone saw in a dream once that replaced Papyrus.

    Speaking of which, how did you access the last song? I can’t find any sort of hints anywhere on how to find it.


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